Zeaxanthin With Lutein Supplements to Help Prevent Blindness

Zeaxanthin With Lutein Supplements to Help Prevent Blindness

By age 75 one in every three people will have lost or be losing their sight to Age-related Macular Degeneration or AMD. Their lutein and zeaxanthin levels will be dropping leaving a blank spot right in front of them. Taking a supplement containing zeaxanthin with lutein can prevent this from happening to you.

Your eyes contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are carotenoids that act as antioxidants protecting your eyes from harmful light rays that could damage your retina. The central retina can contain up to 75% zeaxanthin with lutein making up approximately 67% of the peripheral retina. They are yellow colored pigments, absorb mainly the blue wavelength of light and although they occur naturally within the eye the human body can’t make more.

Finding foods that contain lutein and zeaxanthin is not too difficult, spinach, kale, eggs, turnip greens, collard greens, romaine lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, corn, garden peas and Brussels sprouts all contain them as do many yellow, blue and purple fruits but ensuring you eat enough can be hard. Mixing a healthy diet with taking a daily supplement containing around 6-10mg of zeaxanthin with lutein at around 20mg is easier and ensures optimum eye health.

Why should you take a supplement containing zeaxanthin with lutein in the first place? What is AMD and how would it affect you?

Imagine getting older and looking at an old photograph of a happy time, now imagine not being able to see the face of the person in the photograph or being able to recognise the place because you can’t see the middle of the picture. Think about picking up one of your favourite books and not being able to read the text. Imagine your family calling in on a visit and you cant see their faces when you look at them. This is what AMD can mean for you and this is why you should consider a supplement containing zeaxanthin with lutein to protect your vision.

Our society is ageing, there is no doubt we are living longer lives and we are demanding that these longer lives remain productive for as long as possible. We want if not demand the use of our faculties well into our 60’s, 70’s and beyond and will feel hard done by if we have lost them. Now is the time we should be safe guarding against the loss of whatever faculty we can. By taking a supplement containing zeaxanthin with lutein in the right amounts daily we can protect our eyes from the leading cause of blindness in the elderly.

Many doctors are recommending zeaxanthin with lutein supplements for their patients most at risk, over 60’s and those with a family history of AMD but some are mentioning the supplements to all over 40’s as a preventative measure. If your eyesight is one of your priorities then consider a supplement.

It is wise to bear in mind that from diet alone you are unlikely to ingest the correct quantities of all the various micronutrients needed for your optimum health so supplementation has a valid place in our daily health maintenance routine.

Lisa Murray is an editor of http://ift.tt/1gUzuUM and is a keen advocate of ensuring your body is properly fueled with the right nutrients in order to give you the healthiest life possible. She does this by taking a carefully balanced multi-vitamin daily. Why not join her today and live life to the fullest for longer.

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