Workout Body Type

Workout Body Type

There are infinite times in which we begin a diet and commit to physical activity to lose those extra pounds that bother us so much. We listen to our friends and acquaintances that tell us what which strategy will give us the best results to lose weight quickly and effectively. Worse is the fact that we have all equal bodies, we have the same needs and, somewhat surprisingly, not all react the same way to a particular physical activity or exercise.
There is a concept that was promoted in the forties by William H. Sheldon, which classifies three body types according to how they store fat and develop muscles, called somatic types. While this stance is still receiving some criticism, it is highly possible that knowing the areas where our bodies store more fat, we can define correctly the routine of exercises best suited to us.

Ectomorph body: it belongs to people of average texture and low fat body stores. Your muscles are thin, you have long arms and legs and a short torso. The hands and feet are long and thin also. For these characteristics, the main goal is to build muscle and therefore gain more weight in addition to eating a greater amount of food you’re used to. Those who possess this special body type should avoid extensive cardiovascular exercise, one that is used to burn fat. Usually these people are those who say they eat too much and never manage to gain weight.

Mesomorphic body: it is what people might call strong presence since they have a solid body structure and muscle. With a well-developed torso, chest and arms, these are people who quite contrary to the ectomorph, have a knack for developing muscles, therefore should combine exercises with weights, to continue emphasizing the torso. In order to lose weight, a very attractive and positive addition to any moderate activity is to contribute to the stretching of your muscles with pilates and yoga.

Endomorph body: here we find a body in which it is to more easily develop fat around the hips and back. Usually they have little muscle and the face is fairly short rounded collar. Before starting any exercise or sports, it would be extremely beneficial for people with these characteristics to have plated monitoring and long-term maintenance of a healthy diet rich in protein and minerals as they are people who tend to store fat easily. In regards to exercise, they should opt for aerobics or outdoor sports like running, walking, cycling.

In this way, they would be burning mostly fat but also important is a balanced diet which will provide very positive effects if started at the time of the proposed change. It is generally truth that we can shared some different characteristics of the three body types, what good, is knowing the behavior of our body structure in order to choose the exercises that will benefit us the most.

Want to learn more about workout body type Visit my website at for helpful tips an information on how does your body build muscle, how to build muscles, supplements, diets to build muscle and more…

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