Will I Lose Weight Faster On Medifast If I Only Have The Medifast Shakes?

Will I Lose Weight Faster On Medifast If I Only Have The Medifast Shakes?

I receive this question quite a bit. People often want to know if they will take in less calories (and therefore lose more weight) if they limit themselves to only the Medifast shakes. Many also ask if this practice will make them lose weight more quickly. I will discuss this topic (and tell you my opinion on it) in the following article.

The Medifast Shakes Are Similar To The Other Medifast Foods In Terms Of Calories And Carbs: People often want to eat just the shakes because they think it’s going to save them some calories or carbs and therefore help them to lose more pounds more quickly. (Admittedly, the shakes are tasty but so are many of the other Medifast meals. ) The thing is, if you look at the calorie information on any of this diets foods, you’ll see that they are all very similar in terms of nutrition, carbs, calories, protein, fiber, etc .

Let’s look more closely at the diet’s 55 dutch chocolate shake (which is among the most popular options. ) It has 90 calories, 13 grams of carbohydrates, 11 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber. Now, let chose another meal on this same diet menu. Let’s take a look at the soft serve ice cream because you might think that this dessert type item would be different. But this item has 110 calories, 14 grams of carbs, 11 grams of protein, and 4 grams of fiber.

As a matter of fact, if you looked at most of the Medifast foods, you’d find them all to be very similar. The vast majority have less than 110 calories and less than 14 grams of carbs. Most have at least 11 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber. This is true no matter if you’re choosing the brownies, the pancakes, the soups, the chili, the eggs, or the pudding. The only exception is the maintenance bars. They do contain a bit more calories and carbs, so you are only supposed to have one of them each day (although there’s no limit on the crunch bars. )

And, I don’t think that this is an accident. I think that they’ve designed the foods to be similar so that they are interchangeable with one another. I know that there seems to be a perception that just consuming the shakes can help with faster or more weight loss, but I’m not sure how as all of the foods are so similar. I’m happy with my results with consuming all of the foods. I can’t imagine why you’d want to limit yourself if you didn’t have to.

Understanding Ketosis And How It Factors Into The Lean And Green Meal: You probably already know this, but when you’re on Medifast, you eat five of the prepackaged diet meals each day and one “lean and green" meal that you make yourself out of fresh ingredients (rather than it being prepackaged. ) By fresh I don’t mean that you can’t use frozen or restaurant foods. I just mean that it’s not going to be another one of the prepackaged meals.

Some people ask me about skipping the lean and green in favor of having a shake or different prepackaged diet meal. Again, I wouldn’t advise this. I don’t think it’s a good idea and in my experience, it doesn’t save you anything. The lean and green is already figured into your daily calories and in order to get into ketosis (where you rapidly burn fat rather than carbs) you’ll need to take in enough calories rather than too few.

If you skip your lean and green, it’s my experience that you run the risk of slowing your results rather than speeding them along. And it’s my opinion that you wouldn’t lose more weight this way because most of the Medifast foods are so similar and the lean and green is a necessary part of the diet.

Want more tips to help you be successful on medifast? Lindsey’s Medifast Review Website features recipes, a list of all of the foods (including the shakes, ) videos, tips, coupons ($ 50 off or two weeks free), information and products related to success on this diet. She also offers a free ebook (“Getting The Most Out Of Medifast") to help you get started. You can visit her at http://ift.tt/1EoUedJ.

Lindsey Price often writes about medifast and has published a free medifast ebook called “Getting The Most Out Of Medifast". You can get a free copy at http://ift.tt/1EoUedJ.

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