Wilhelm Broiler Operation

Wilhelm Broiler Operation

This case study is about Wilhelm Van Eyck and his poultry, beef, swine and crops farming where he is facing problems of increased prices of animal feeds while at the same time the overall harvest of his chicken is decreasing. In this case, the major problem facing Wilhelm is the type of quality feeds to rear his chicken with in order to improve their harvest. On this basis, a lot of companies supplying chick feeds have visited Wilhelm and persuaded him to consider them as his supplier of chick feeds. From the case study, Wilhelm has been very conservative once he starts buying feeds from any company. It can be revealed that, the increase in feed prices is not because of their quality but as a result of their marketing costs. Wilhelm has been doing this business for a long period of time and has come to be experienced in it. There are many advices given to him on the structuring of the chicken houses and the quality of feed to use for his chicken. Despite these advices, the crop of the chicken has been decreasing time and again. Importantly, Wilhelm is currently relying on Maple Leaf Mills for their master feeds despite the two price increase as their results were reasonable. Currently, the yields are decreasing but he is not fast at changing the feeds’ suppliers. On the other hand, he is confused on the company to take up as the supplier of feeds as there a lot of them wishing to supply.

Problem statement

The problem facing the Wilhelm broiler operation is to determine the correct supplier to his broiler operation. This is because there are many companies whose prices are relatively low that the Maple Leaf Mills but the results of the crops are decreasing. In this case, the problem with the Wilhelm broiler operation is the prices of feeds are increasing and the returns are continuing to be poorer than before. On this basis, it may be possible that the reports provided by the different companies are just but for marketing purposes. From the case study it is clearly indicated that, Wilhelm has not made a decision on which company to rely on in terms of feeds. This is because he considers the master feeds as the most quality products irrespective of their prices.


From the case study it can be analyzed that, the returns of the broilers are decreasing as a result of poor quality of feeds offered and lack of proper ventilation within the chicken houses. On this basis, the Wilhelm broiler operation is operating at a loss as the prices are increasing time and again with the returns decreasing. It can be revealed that, Wilhelm did not put into consideration the advices he received from other broiler producers like Charlie and Fritzs. In this case, Wilhelm uses expensive feeds and his broilers are still producing low returns. Basically, Wilhelm does not believe in other people’s ideas even the vet at the university as he is there to give him what his ideas are. This is one of the problems facing the management of Wilhelm broiler operations as he thinks he is experienced enough to follow his own ideas. It has been proved that, the other producers who are less skeptical enjoy their crop after using new methods and feeds which are less expensive. Importantly, according to Wilhelm the more expensive the feeds are the higher they are in terms of quality.

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