Why you cannot achieve a thin figure

cannot lose weight

Why you cannot achieve a thin figure

Losing weight has already become the hot topic among people. But do you know the reasons why you are fat? Next, let us talk about it and tell you something you don’t know before.

First, do you have enough sleep every day?
The lack of sleep will reduce a kind of protein which can regulate body fat—-the level of Leptin, and improve a kind of hormone which can stimulate you to eat more. You should change your mind if you think that it will be burning more calories w hen you wake longer than before. Actually, about 65% calorie will be burned when we have rest.

What should you do? Having a comfortable sleeping about 8 hours is very good for you. If you can make this habit, your hormone will be less interfered.

Second, is your home too warm?
We will consume our calorie to keep warm when the weather changes cold. Therefore , if your home has the central-heating and air condition, and it will be expended less calorie, and it is easy to increase your weight. if you want beautiful, please try Acai Berry Diet.

What should you do? I advice you should control to use the central-heating equipment. Do some exercise when you feel cold?

Third, do you eat some medicine?
Some medicines are related with your weight. A study of oral contraceptives found that the Person who eats it will increase their weight. It also includes the medicine of anti- depressant, blocker and antihistamines and so on. Acai Berry Diets must let you achieve a thin figure.

Forth, are you higher than 35 years old?
It will be easy to increase your weight when women at the age of 35, because the hormonal and metabolic will be changed from the beginning of menopause.

The need of calorie for your body will be increased with your added age. So from now on, don’t drink too much. It can not only increase your weight, but also reduce your consciousness of resist snack

Fifth, is it related with your gene?
Research has shown that BMI has a great relationship with heredity. Acai berry diet reviews can help you make a good decision.

Sixth, are you depressed?
Studies also show that depressed men will slim down, while the women would be fat. So if you feel you are depressing now, just to see doctors and don’t eat any medicine.

Seventh, it is fact that pesticide and a number of plastic products in the synthesis of chemical substances have already broken into our food chain. These things will disturb your hormone and restrain the ability of controlling lipid. So you should eat more organic food.

To loss weight you can try Acai Berry Diet and Acai Berry Diets , or can attempt Acai Berry Diet reviews . These will give you unexpected thin figure.

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