Why Losing Weight Is Not The Same With Losing Fat

not losing weight

Why Losing Weight Is Not The Same With Losing Fat

The majority of people make confusion between the terms “lose weight" and “lose fat". As you may well guess, they all want to get rid of the fat which makes their appearance so anesthetic. Below I am going to explain why the two terms are not synonymous and how such an interpretation may affect your health.

First of all, let’s take a look at what each term means. It is obvious that “fat loss" means the diminishing of the layers of fat which are deposited on your body. Some people tend to say that “losing weight" means exactly the same. Think about this: your scale can tell you that you weigh less than the previous day, but it cannot tell you whether you have less water in your body or if you have manage to burn the fat. Yes, that is right weight loss means that you weigh less pounds, not that the fat is gone.

To be sure that you actually burn fat, you will have to stick to the fat burning exercises and have a diet based on fat burners. Also, you should start drinking more water, even though this means that you will weigh more when you get on the scale. Each glass of water will delay the hunger sensation, will prevent your stomach from bloating and will help you burn the fat effectively.

Most people try to cut on their weight by not drinking too much water. As you have seen above this is one of the biggest mistakes you can make if you want to burn fat. Water is your ally in the fight against fat, not your enemy. Also, fat burning exercises will help you build your muscular mass, which will lead to an improved aspect of your body. Yet, for some of you, this may also mean some more pounds on your scale. Do not worry! The muscles weight more than the fat they replace, so you may lose some clothes sixes and weigh more than when you wore bigger sizes. This is a normal thing and you should be happy about it. Weight is not always the most suitable way of appreciating the way we look. Clothes sizes are!

Another mistake people make when trying to make peace with their friend, the scale, is to starve themselves until they reach the number of pounds they want. In addition to being a very unhealthy way of treating your body, starvation is only a temporary solution, as none of those who turn to it will be able to resist the temptation of eating once they have reached the weight they wanted. And all they will obtain is a short time victory and afterwards they will come back to their fatty silhouettes. Also, they will not build their muscles and their skin will not be able to stretch on their body, as it should, causing an unpleasant aspect, which will not happen if they would have done fat burning training.

Before actually starting a diet or a “weight loss plan", make sure you understand what it means and which are its risks. Instead of choosing such an alternative, it is highly recommended that you start a long term process, which will help you burn the fact effectively. Combine foods which burn the fat with fat burning exercises and you will get the perfect silhouette in a natural, healthy and risk-free way. Forget about the yo effect and build your body with a fat burning strategy.

Are you tired of searching for fat burning products which will help you gain the silhouette you have always wanted? Ben Prado knows everything about fat burning strategies. Check out his advices on http://www.easyburnfat.info.

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