Why Can’t I Lose Weight? – Top Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

Why Can’t I Lose Weight? – Top Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

Before you read this, I would like you to consider this. You only have one body for your entire life. If you do not take care of that body, you can’t get another. There are many things that happen to your body that cannot be reversed, such as the accumulation of fat cells. The more fat cells you develop, the harder it is to lose them, so please start taking your body seriously and get yourself on track for a healthier lifestyle today.

Ok, let’s get to it!

Why can’t I lose weight? If you’re asking yourself this question now, you’ve probably asked it before, and you’re probably getting pretty frustrated with all of your hard work that isn’t paying any dividends. Which also probably means you’re looking for some answers. Am I right? Well lucky for you I get this question pretty much a weekly basis, and I’ve got your answers and solutions!

Why can’t I lose weight – Reason #1
You have a poor diet. Now you’re probably sitting there saying, “No, I’m on a diet. "

One of the biggest mistakes people trying to lose weight make is thinking they are eating healthy when they are actually eating very poorly. You see all of these hollywood diets that limit what you eat to just a few things are nothing but detrimental to your body. Also, all of those healthy snacks you are eating like snackwell cookies, healthy choice lunches, south beach whatever, etc . are really just overpriced nicely packaged fat in a box.

Food manufacturers take advantage of dieters by trying to make their products appear healthy, when they are actually filled with preservatives and synthetics that your body doesn’t know how to process. What happens when your body doesn’t know how to process something? It gets turned to fat, because that is the easiest for your body to do.

This is going to shock you. To lose weight you actually need to eat more. I’ll explain that in a minute.

Why can’t I lose weight – Reason #2
You don’t exercise. Now you’re probably sitting there saying, “Yes I do. I walk every day. "

Good for you. Walking is great for your cardiovascular health, but it won’t help you shed any serious pounds. You see walking is nothing but an empty calorie burn. Don’t get me wrong here. I don’t want you to stop walking, but I do want you to start doing something else more that will help you to lose weight fast.

I want you to lift weights. Yes lift weights.

Now if you’re a lady, don’t get freaked out by this. You’re NOT going to beef up and look all gross. I train women all the time who get scared at the idea of lifting weights because they think it will make them look bigger, but that’s just not true. Here is the nice thing about lifting weights. It builds muscle, and a pound of muscle is A LOT smaller and a lot better looking than a pound of disgusting fat. Even if you do put on a little bit of muscle, it is going to be super sexy and it is going to help you keep off fat.

Why? Two reasons.

One, when your body is constantly repairing muscle tissue, you are burning A MASSIVE AMOUNT OF CALORIES just from the repairing process. And this process lasts for 48 hours. This means if you lift weights just three days a week, you will supercharge your natural calorie burning process.

Two, the more muscle you have on your body, the more calories you burn naturally. This means as you build muscle, your metabolism will skyrocket, and it will be more difficult for fat to accumulate on your body.

One word of wisdom with this tip. Be sure you are breaking down muscle by challenging yourself. If you don’t break down the muscle tissue, there is no point in lifting weights. You’ll know when muscle is breaking down by when you get a nice muscle burn. Don’t worry. It’s a good thing.

Why can’t I lose weight – Reason #3
You’re not combining diet and exercise.

Now just put it all together. You need to eat healthy foods at the proper times of the day, and you need to exercise properly in regular intervals. Doing one or the other will not benefit you.

I see plenty of people who are at the gym three days a week, but are still asking why can’t I lose weight because they do not support their workouts with the right foods. I also see plenty of people who eat fairly well, but are still asking why can’t I lose weight because they do not support their healthy eating habits with a challenging fitness routine.

To really lose a significant amount of weight it is imperative that you do both.

Why Can’t I Lose Weight – Click here to find out why eating more food can help you burn more calories.

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