Why Am I Losing My Hair? Men

Why Am I Losing My Hair? Men

A specific enzyme called alpha 5 reductase is responsible for converting the male hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone or DHT.

DHT is primarily responsible for patterned hair loss in males. Typically the temples, hairline, top and vertex of the scalp are the regions affected by hair loss. The rim of hair around the back of the scalp contains hormone resistant hair follicles which are not sensitive to DHT. When transplanted, follicles from this area will not fall out.

Generalized hair loss or thinning in men may be caused by other factors and not respond to conventional treatments for pattern hair loss. Other causes of hair loss in men include:

· Dietary deficiencies
· Stress
· Illness
· Medications e. g. anti-cancer drugs
· Trauma
· Dermatologic conditions

As surgical hair restoration has evolved, so have the outstanding results that skilled physicians can deliver to their patients.

Follicular Unit Transplantation is the new standard of hair replacement that allows surgeons to recreate the natural hairline.

With this hair regrowth technique, surgeons can place Micro Grafts containing one to four hairs into the recipient sites to achieve a more natural appearance.

Careful orientation of the follicles so that they follow the natural direction of the hair and taking care to place them so they do not overlap or line up unnecessarily, helps to achieve maximum coverage.

Older surgical hair restoration techniques and technology significantly hindered surgeons’ abilities to give their hair transplant patients aesthetically natural-looking hairlines.

The Follicular Unit Transplant technique opens up the way to master the technology and fine art of hairline design known as the ‘ snail track’ hairline.

Surgical hair restoration (also known as hair transplantation) promotes hair regrowth in areas affected by hair thinning and hair loss.

Medical research shows that not all hairs are created equal. Even at advanced stages of hair loss, most men retain a ring of hair around the sides and back of their heads. This hair is different genetically from hair located at the hairline and top of the scalp.

In hair transplant surgery, doctors harvest these permanent hair follicles from a strip of hair bearing skin removed from the back of the scalp. The strip contains hundreds, usually thousands of grafts, each consisting of a few hairs that can be surgically placed for growth in otherwise balding or thinning areas.

The transplanted hair will continue to grow in the balding areas in the same manner as in the harvested ‘ donor’ area.

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