Why Am I Fat?

Why Am I Fat?

According to statistics, over 25% of Americans are obese as defined by having a body mass index percentage of 30 or more.

Now having said that, I’m not going to write about statistics this or statistics that because the truth is, statistics aren’t exciting really and I personally have never thought to myself: “Why am I fat? Let me go read some statistics to find the answer… "

The fact is, we are how we are for various degrees of the aforementioned reasons listed above and, at least in my case, it’s a very personal issue. Not anybody Else’s, but what I’d like to hone in on at this particular time is how avoiding food causes us to gain weight. You heard right. Not eating actually causes our bodies to think we do not have access to a food supply so our bodies go into a state of self preservation and our metabolism slows way down and begins to store fat that it would otherwise have just been metabolized.

You see, when we try to get thin by not eating our several thousand years old genetic make up doesn’t see the fast food franchises all around us that we are driving by and it goes into a “We may not see food for days. Shut down the furnace to minimum use! " mode causing us to retain what we have instead of burning calories like usual.

Sure, if we continue to not eat for days, our body eventually will start drawing from our fat reserves and, yes, we will lose pounds. In fact for that matter, if we don’t eat for days, we start experiencing things like running a fever, body weakness, loss of appetite, loss of concentration and our legs fall asleep when we sit for too long. We also lose our ability to fend off germs as well as we should. All of which sounds like not very much fun. Believe me, I know first hand from going days without food as a teenager trying to “make weight" for wrestling in high school, so , yes. Not eating WILL eventually cause a person to lose weight, but how many of us are willing to put up with the side effects and go DAYS without food?

If your reading this, chances are you have seen the advertisements that are ALL over the internet showing the before and after pictures of average folks with captions like: “Lose 15 pounds by following one SIMPLE rule… "

I can’t speak to what exactly those ads are referring to as their “One rule", but I can say for certain that stopping your food intake will have a reverse effect so DON"T do it.

What SHOULD a person do to lose weight? We all know diet and even mild exercise are a great start, as well as a colon cleanse to ensure proper body detoxification, but most of all, make sure your eating something. Unsalted almonds, carrot sticks, an apple or banana here and there. Just SOMETHING to let your body know it’s not going to starve and it can keep metabolizing.

So the next time you find yourself asking the question: “Why am I fat? " The answer you would least expect might me that it’s because your NOT eating…

Until next time, I gotta run and grab a bite… After all, I’m on a diet.

James has written several article as well as Squidoo lenses on topics such as weight loss and colon detoxification, just to name a few and he subscribes to the belief that our bodies require periodic maintenance to ensure long life. More info can be found on these topics at: http://ift.tt/1Gkr1Vi

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