I Want to Lose Weight, Where Do I Start?

I Want to Lose Weight, Where Do I Start?

The formula for losing weight is very simple, you need to spend more calories than you consume. You just need to cut down on the amount of food you eat every day, and you will start losing pounds. You don’t need to read this article to realize that. However , you are here probably because you know that starving yourself out is not a long lasting thing.

Cutting down on the caloric intake will give you instant results, but soon you will hit the wall. You will lose a few pounds in the first couple of days, but then the progress will be much slower. The reason why you have lost a couple of pounds is the fact that you have depleted all glycogen stores (muscle fuel) and in that process water is also lost. This means that after a few days of starving you have lost nothing but water and energy! After this point, your body will start to burn fat, but you will also be craving for food and feel anxious and depressed. If you start eating normally again you will very soon return all the pounds you have lost.

If you realize now that starving is a wrong way to lose weight, maybe you will listen to my advice about the right way to lose weight and keep it off.

Exercise! Exercising is the best way to burn the excess of calories. To start burning calories with exercising, there are only a few prerequisites. Forget about gym memberships and buying expensive exercise equipment. The fact of spending money on those things will not help you lose weight, exercise will!

But , before you start exercising, you should stop for a moment and ask yourself one question. Why? Why do I want to lose weight? Let the answer be the first thing that comes to your mind. This answer is the reason that will keep your motivation high. Don’t try and fool yourself around. If your goal is to have a shaped and toned body so you can date more, let that be the reason to exercise. Those who exercise with a specific goal are more likely to make life changes than those who are less certain. Successful people are certain about their vision, no matter what their vision is. So , if your vision is accomplished through exercises, then follow that vision and you will have no problem to motivate yourself.

Do you want to learn how to exercise?
If so, download my free guides on how to burn fat and stay fit forever!

Fitness enthusiast and content contributor for many fitness blogs and article directories. Dinko was computer hobbyist from the age of 5 but when it became his everyday profession, 12 years ago, his thirst for knowledge and a need to relax was fulfilled with fitness and healthy living ideology.

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