When Should I Take Hcg Drops

When Should I Take Hcg Drops
HCG drops should be taken orally 3 times a day. The drops are completely painless compared to the muscle tissue injection form of previous years. The drops can be taken using an oral syringe. They must simply be placed underneath the tongue and be given 1-2 minutes to absorb. As a general guideline you should try to refrain from eating or drinking anything within 15 minutes before or after your dosage.

How long should I Take HCG for:

Fort really fast results it is recommended that you take HCG over a 15 day cycle. The normal beginners or first time cycle is 26 days long. The longest period of time that you should take HCG is for 40 days. After 40 days studies show that your body may start to show some signs of immunity, therefore it is a good idea to cycle your usage so that you do not waste the product.

How Much Weight Will I Lose:

The amount of weight that you lose on the HCG diet depends on the amount of excess fat that you have before you begin the cycle. On average you will lose 1-2 pounds a day on the diet, or maybe even more.

How Does The HCG Diet Work:

HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) can help your body lose up to 3 pounds a day. It allows your body to maintain itself on a low calorie diet, which means that your body can burn stored fat instead of using muscle as fuel. Your body will burn abnormal fat such as excess stomach fat. The essential fats will remain untouched which means that you can stay healthy on the low calorie diet. After about 40 days however your body will start to build up an immunity which means that you should take a break from using HCG to give your body a chance to flush it from your system. Then once your body resets itself you can start again to see more amazing weight loss results.

Is it Safe for Men:

Yes, the HCG drops diet is very safe for men. In fact , men often times see greater fat loss results than women. A compelling reason for you guys who want to shed a little extra weight before swimsuit season. HCG drops diet also comes with a meal plan to help give you ideas of healthy meals that are appropriate to eat over the course of your HCG drops cycle.

John Boynton is the owner and founder of HCG Drops Diet. He is an expert in the industry and has published multiple articles and content across the web regarding human chorionic gonadotopin (hCG). You can visit John’s website at http://www.hcgdropsdiet.com.

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