Weight Loss Tips To Transform Your Physique In 6 Months

Weight Loss Tips To Transform Your Physique In 6 Months
This is my personal story of how I managed to lose weight and transform my body physique within six months. The main reason why I am writing this article is because I know many people are struggling with the issue of losing weight. If you are overweight and you are looking to develop a good looking body physique then it is only natural that you would want to lose weight. I was overweight from the time I was born up to my teenage years and as far as I could remember there was no point in my life I had a lean body. That was until I decided to change my situation and improve my body physique.

The journey to losing weight was a bit difficult in the beginning because I started out by using fad diets. There were many articles which assured me that fad diets were going to make me lose weight. After three months of going on the fad diets I found myself gaining weight instead of losing it. Upon further research I discovered that the fad diets made my body to go into starvation mode. When the body is in starvation mode it starts to burn muscles instead of fat in order to preserve energy. My body metabolism therefore slowed down as a result of the depletion of my muscles. My body was therefore not burning a lot of calories and this was the reason why I was gaining weight.

I was almost giving up the journey of losing weight because my progress was not as fast as I had hoped. I even thought about using steroids so that I could be able to attain fast muscle loss. Upon further research I also discovered that steroids could lead to the following side effects; the occurrence of acne, breast development in men, women develop bass in there voices, enlargement of the clitoris in women, shrinking of the testicles in men, liver cancer, kidney problems, severe cyst, oily scalp, jaundice, fluid retention, cancer, high blood pressure, increases in LDL, tendon rapture, short stature, male-pattern baldness, decrease in LDL, rage and aggression. After carefully examining all these side effect I decided to use natural means in order to lose weight.

I stumbled upon the secret to losing weight which I hope to share with you in this article. The first thing you should do if you want to lose weight is to reduce your calorie intake but not drastically as fad diets recommend. This is to prevent the body from going into starvation mode. The second thing you should do is to train using weights. This will make you increase your body lean muscles which will lead to an increase in your body metabolism and therefore you will burn a lot of fat. Weight training will also help increase your body strength. You also need to do cardio exercises. They will help increase your body metabolism leading to the burning of more calories. Using these three techniques I was ale to lose weight within six months.

Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on training, nutrition, and supplements. To build muscle fast, he recommends the world class steroid alternatives from GetAnabolics. com instead of illegal anabolics.

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