Weight Loss – The Simple Steps to Weight Loss

Weight Loss – The Simple Steps to Weight Loss

Have you seen some people that lose weight very easily and then others that no matter what they do, they cannot lose an ounce? If you feel as though you are the latter, then let us discover some simple steps you can take to lose weight that really work.

Most people eat on the run or starve themselves all day and then overeat when they do eat. Instead of eating two or three massive meals per day, try eating five or six smaller meals. If you get hungry in between meals, try drinking water or green tea to fill your stomach and suppress your appetite. It may be a little hard to get the extra meals in, but you will notice that you are eating smaller meals and it will become a habit.

By eating more times per day and smaller meals, you will be able to use energy from those meals more uniformly spread out over the course of the day. This will cause your energy levels to be more constant than if you had only eaten two or three large meals. By eating like this, you will put less strain on your digestive system, which can aid in flushing out any food that might have otherwise become stuck in your colon.

Digestion starts in the mouth. To effectively start this process, you need to chew your food more times. Try to make a conscious effort to chew your food more thoroughly than you have in the past. This will give the enzymes in your mouth more time to break down your food before it enters the stomach.

By chewing more and having the food broken down better, your stomach will have an easier time digesting the food. This will also cause you to feel full sooner making it more unlikely for you to overeat. The stomach does not immediately register how much has been eaten, so if you eat too quickly you will have overeaten before your stomach knows it. We all now that it is easy to overeat and then feel stuffed later on.

By taking the time to chew your food more completely and slowing down the eating process, you will take your first step to eating less but still feeling just as full. This way the teeth and enzymes in the mouth would have done their job to break down the food into as small particles as possible to help ‘predigest’ the food making it easier on the stomach to finish the digestion process.

One real mistake that so many dieters make is to stop eating at all. By starving yourself, you will slow your metabolism and set your body into starvation mode, which will cause it to start to store fat as a defense mechanism. This can also cause the body to start to burn muscle tissue, which can be very unhealthy. Starving yourself may cause you to lose weight, but it may be the wrong kind of weight, muscle tissue or bone mass.

These simple steps can make a big difference in your weight loss efforts.

You can learn more and get a free report “The Secrets To Easy Weight Loss" This is just a few tips to help you lose weight and keep it off naturally. Get your free information at http://ift.tt/1Ed6SLt

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