Weight Loss Supplements In The Market

Weight Loss Supplements In The Market

Be sexy. Be thin. Be slim. These are just some of the things that people desire to achieve for their body. Especially for women, weight loss is an important issue that they face everyday. Physical look matters nowadays. A person should be beautiful by using anti aging treatments and confident about her body and her self as a whole. It is important to be confident in carrying one’s self especially nowadays that the society is getting more demanding and people are becoming more competitive.

If you try to visit some health food store or browse on line, you will find a lot of weight loss supplements, mostly are claiming to have remarkable benefits. Although it is tempting to try new supplements, the possible side effects and safety concerns as well as the disadvantages are not listed. While some of them are really promising, others can give more harm than good. The following is the list of some weight loss supplements:

Bitter Orange:

Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) is an herb similar to ephedra. It has compounds similar to ephedrine called synephrine and octopamine. Bitter orange can raise blood pressure, increase heart rate or cause abnormal heart rhythms. There is a case report of ischemic colitis associated with using bitter orange. People with heart disease, high blood pressure, other cardiovascular conditions or diabetes should avoid it; however , anyone considering it should consult a qualified healthcare professional first. It shouldn’t be taken with caffeine or herbs containing caffeine (green tea, yerba mate), because it could increase the risk of adverse effects similar to ephedra. It interacts with many medications and can increase or decrease their effect.


This is a supplement derived from chitin, which is found in crustacean shells such as crabs. It’s believed to prevent the absorption of fat by binding to fat molecules in the intestines. Chitosan appears to be safe in the short term, although the more common side effects are constipation, bloating and other digestive complaints.


The mineral chromium is needed for normal carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. One of its functions is to help the hormone insulin move glucose into blood cells. Chromium is also promoted as a supplement to lose weight and build muscle. Although it’s thought to be particularly helpful for people with insulin resistance or diabetes, it’s also used for weight loss by people without these conditions.

These are just of the weight loss supplements that we can find from the stores. It would depend on us on how are we going to choose the kind of supplements that we would like to use.

Zirah is an aspiring model. She uses anti aging treatments to keep her looks more younger. Usually she spends most of her time on taking care of her body to make her look younger. She is taking a program on weight loss supplements so that she could have that perfect slender body.

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