Weight Loss 101 – How to Lose 10 Lbs in 10 Days

Weight Loss 101 – How to Lose 10 Lbs in 10 Days

Before I get started I’d like to mention that the team of weight loss coaches that I work with have been utterly responsible for helping individuals lose any where from 10 lbs in 10 days to as much as 25-35 lbs in 1 month. Over the past 8 months we have literally helped our customers lose a combined 8, 000 lbs effortlessly. If this sounds impossible to you, I’m here to tell you that its not.

I say all that to say, that nothing written with in this report should be looked at as unimportant or something you have already heard before. Everything written here is exactly what you need to know in order to automatically lose 10 lbs in the next 10 days, I promise!

The first and only lesson learned in weight loss 101 is calorie control. It’s not about how many times you work out, it’s not about how many miles you run, it’s not about how little you eat, it’s about how many calories you burn.

From my experience, the gym is a place where you go to tone up and build muscle, not a place that you go to reach your weight loss goals. Your weight loss goals are completed by understanding how many calories are you putting into your body and taking correct action from there.

What to do:

Count Your Calories
a. Multiply your current body weight by 12 – this number represents how many calories you need to take in per day to maintain your current weight.
b. Focus on subtracting at least 500 calories from your diet each day
c. Eat as many times per day as possible to reach your goal
i. If your goal is 1800 calories per day then try to spread those calories across 6 different meals as opposed to one or two. This keeps your metabolism extremely high and melts pounds off quickly.
d. Remain Consistent. Never lose sight of your goal until it is hit.
e. Have fun – continue to have fun and congratulate your self; for every pound lost is 1 pound closer to your dream body.

I’d like to sincerely thank you for dropping by my article to find out how you can lose 10lbs of weight in the next 10 days. Most people would have looked at this statement and felt that it was seemingly impossible. Most people see this goal as unachievable or just another one of those “dream" situations. I’m here to tell you that not only is losing 10 lbs in 10 days possible, but with this information, in conjunction with my Top Secret Weight Loss Solution it is guaranteed that you will do it effortless.

Find More How To Lose Weight In 10 Days

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