Weight Loss 101 | Fat Burning Tips

Read Full Article on Weight Loss 101 | Fat Burning Tips

When you ask the doctor a question listen to the answer carefully. Let’s see a typical Q& A in my office. Is there anything new out there to lose weight Doctor?

I need to lose a few pounds what do you suggest?

These are a few of the common questions I hear every day in my Family Practice. I then spend a few minutes telling them what I am going to share with you now. Weight loss is a simple formula; and an unfair one at that!

First the metabolic rate, this is the wild-card of the formula. The best lay definition of a metabolic rate is the amount of calories your body burns just laying in bed all day, carrying out essential bodily functions. Every ones metabolic rate is different; usually normal weight people have high metabolic rates. Overweight people tend to have low metabolic rates.

The rest of the formula is: MR + (calories burned on daily activities) = calories ingested. If you eat more than you burn you have a positive calorie count or weight gain. If you burn more than you eat you have a negative count or weight loss. So what does all this mean to you?

There a 3500 calories in a pound of fat. If you had a -500 calorie count all week you could burn 3500 calories. There are two ways to achieve a -500 calorie count for the day. You can burn the calories with exercise or eat fewer calories than you expend; any combination of -500 will do. Here is the unfair part of the story. If you walk a brisk mile you will burn approximately 100 calories.

A soda contains about 180 calories. It takes a few minutes to drink a soda and it takes about 30 minutes to walk 2 miles; both equal about 180 calories. So the question is how do I use all this information to help me lose weight? The free method is to do a 3-5 day calorie count.

You write down everything you eat and drink for 3-5 days and then google them or buy an inexpensive calorie book and calculate your daily calorie intake. You want to take the average of several days, it’s more accurate. Remember don’t eat differently the days you keep track of your calories, your only cheating you. To lose weight you are going to need to cut your intake to less than 2000 calories.

The exact amount will vary depending on a variety of factors. Age, sex, sedentary or active job, exercise habits all affect the weight loss equation. Michael Phelps the Olympic swimmer can eat over 5000 calories when training. The average person would gain weight at a rapid pace with that intake. Look at your calorie intake and it should be apparent which are the un-needed, high calorie foods you should stop eating. Several weight loss use a similar approach; they have free foods and points for the higher calorie foods. This method is valid it just costs money to join their program.

So what’s the bottom line? Dieting is dangerous you need to change the way you eat permanently. You can lose weight by following fad diets, but the proven fact is you will put all the weight back on plus an additional 5-10% when you quit it.

That’s because you didn’t fix the problem you just temporarily changed your behavior. When you quit the diet you resume your old eating habits that made you overweight in the first place. This is commonly referred to as the yo-yo effect.
Weight temporarily goes down and then bounces back up. I hope you find this information helpful in your pursuit of a healthier life and weight loss. If you need a more structured approach read on below.

For a diet plan that delivers what it says it will go NOW to Strip That Fat!
don’t Delay. Good luck and remember make positive permanent changes and quit dieting!

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Topress. in

from Eight.iy http://ift.tt/1R9eg5L
Best Diet Plan 4 Weight LOSS

Weight Loss 101 | Fat Burning Tips

Read Full Article on Weight Loss 101 | Fat Burning Tips

When you ask the doctor a question listen to the answer carefully. Let’s see a typical Q& A in my office. Is there anything new out there to lose weight Doctor?

I need to lose a few pounds what do you suggest?

These are a few of the common questions I hear every day in my Family Practice. I then spend a few minutes telling them what I am going to share with you now. Weight loss is a simple formula; and an unfair one at that!

First the metabolic rate, this is the wild-card of the formula. The best lay definition of a metabolic rate is the amount of calories your body burns just laying in bed all day, carrying out essential bodily functions. Every ones metabolic rate is different; usually normal weight people have high metabolic rates. Overweight people tend to have low metabolic rates.

The rest of the formula is: MR + (calories burned on daily activities) = calories ingested. If you eat more than you burn you have a positive calorie count or weight gain. If you burn more than you eat you have a negative count or weight loss. So what does all this mean to you?

There a 3500 calories in a pound of fat. If you had a -500 calorie count all week you could burn 3500 calories. There are two ways to achieve a -500 calorie count for the day. You can burn the calories with exercise or eat fewer calories than you expend; any combination of -500 will do. Here is the unfair part of the story. If you walk a brisk mile you will burn approximately 100 calories.

A soda contains about 180 calories. It takes a few minutes to drink a soda and it takes about 30 minutes to walk 2 miles; both equal about 180 calories. So the question is how do I use all this information to help me lose weight? The free method is to do a 3-5 day calorie count.

You write down everything you eat and drink for 3-5 days and then google them or buy an inexpensive calorie book and calculate your daily calorie intake. You want to take the average of several days, it’s more accurate. Remember don’t eat differently the days you keep track of your calories, your only cheating you. To lose weight you are going to need to cut your intake to less than 2000 calories.

The exact amount will vary depending on a variety of factors. Age, sex, sedentary or active job, exercise habits all affect the weight loss equation. Michael Phelps the Olympic swimmer can eat over 5000 calories when training. The average person would gain weight at a rapid pace with that intake. Look at your calorie intake and it should be apparent which are the un-needed, high calorie foods you should stop eating. Several weight loss use a similar approach; they have free foods and points for the higher calorie foods. This method is valid it just costs money to join their program.

So what’s the bottom line? Dieting is dangerous you need to change the way you eat permanently. You can lose weight by following fad diets, but the proven fact is you will put all the weight back on plus an additional 5-10% when you quit it.

That’s because you didn’t fix the problem you just temporarily changed your behavior. When you quit the diet you resume your old eating habits that made you overweight in the first place. This is commonly referred to as the yo-yo effect.
Weight temporarily goes down and then bounces back up. I hope you find this information helpful in your pursuit of a healthier life and weight loss. If you need a more structured approach read on below.

For a diet plan that delivers what it says it will go NOW to Strip That Fat!
don’t Delay. Good luck and remember make positive permanent changes and quit dieting!

Read More Article on Topress. in

Topress. in

from Eight.iy http://ift.tt/1XhyePI
Best Diet Plan 4 Weight LOSS