Ways for Women in Losing Weight after Delivery

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Ways for Women in Losing Weight after Delivery

Top Ten Ways to lose Unwanted Pregnancy Weight

Retaining additional pounds after giving birth is just common. Actually there are ways to help you get rid of unwanted weight as well as several things to consider about weight loss.

You will likely have one of two reactions after steeping on the scale several days after you gave birth. In some cases your weight might not have changed much or the weight loss is either not as much as you had hoped.

Why didn’t I lose more weight?

Check your face, hands and ankles if they are swollen if you are one of the unlucky ones who did not lose much weight after birth. Perhaps the pregnancy weight of the baby, amniotic fluid, placenta and etc. was replaced by several pounds of fluid retention. If you had a lot of IV fluids during your labor, no wonder that this become common. By urinating and perspiring more frequently that fluid weight will be lost 2-3 weeks.

What will happen to the other unwanted weight after baby?

1 . Every day you should drink at least 10-12 glasses of water:

High sugar beverages such as juices and sodas should be replaced with some water and a squeeze of fresh lemon. Flavored seltzer water which has not calories would also do. This way you can get rid of calories a day.

2 . Healthy snacks such as raisins, popcorn, nuts and wheat crackers should be kept handy. Avoid buying and eating store-bought baked goods and junk food.

3. Boneless chicken and the leanest cuts of beef considered as lean meats should be something you should eat.

4. Instead of the white versions eat whole grains such as cereals, pastas and breads. Do not be easily convinced with foods which are labeled as nonfat. Some are having high fructose corn syrup and some are loaded with calories.

5. You should resist the urge to indulge in a fast food meal. If you really want you may just order the salad and not the fat-filled fries and fat-filled burgers.

6. Start a light exercise as soon as you are ready. You may take a 10 minute walk with the baby ever day and slowly increase your time to 20 minutes per day.

7. You can use a baby jogger or stroller when carrying your baby. Do it every day and slowly increase your time to 20 minutes.

8. Increase your exercise by parking farther away or using stairs instead of elevators.

9. Apply breastfeeding it burns about 500 calories per day which means that the longer you breastfeed, the more calories you burn.

10. Try to join a gym and trade babysitting hours with a friend so when you are performing your workout they can watch over the babies. Baby sitting services is offered by some gyms also.

Since it took you 9 months to gain the weight¸ it will give you at least same number of months to take off. Reducing food groups such as the popular diets of limiting carbs and sugars will do, however , the more you deprive yourself of an occasional treat, the more your will crave for it.

Making healthy food choices, changing your lifestyle (if that includes a poor diet), and consistent exercise that is the answer to losing weight and keep it off.

If you had just given birth and wish to reduce weight gained from pregnancy, just visit http://ift.tt/1Jk95XS and you will learn more ways for losing weight and return to your original figure.

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