Underactive Or Low Thyroid? What Are the Signs?

Underactive Or Low Thyroid? What Are the Signs?

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland which is located around our windpipe behind the ‘Adam’s apple’ area of the neck. It produces hormones which are essential to stimulating our metabolism and processing calories. An underactive thyroid, known as ‘hypothyroidism’ may affect 10 to 20% of adults during their lifetime. It has been linked to increased levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) and to heart problems.

What are the main signs of a low thyroid?

If you are suffering from some or all of the following, you may have an underactive thyroid:

Weight gain
Hair loss
Muscle and joint pains
Problems with memory and concentration
Feeling the cold easily
A slow heart rate

An underactive thyroid develops gradually and the symptoms are mild. Imperceptibly, the body’s functions begin to slow down.

Who is likely to Suffer with an Underactive Thyroid?

A low thyroid is more common in older people
Women are more likely than men to develop an underactive thyroid
Those on some types of medication may develop a low thyroid

How can All-Natural Supplements Help a Low Thyroid?

The thyroid produces two key hormones; levothyroxine (T4) and L’triiodothyronine (T3) and each of these hormones contains iodine. It is known that proper thyroid function requires B-Vitamin compounds, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese and molydenum.

Taking a thyroid formula can help ensure that your body has all the necessary vitamins and minerals in the correct ratio to support a healthy thyroid and counter possible problems from a low thyroid. Look for an all-natural formula which includes selenium, L-tyrosine which the body uses to make neurotransmitters, kelp which has large amounts of iodine, bladderwrack and B-12 which is critical for iron metabolism.

There are some excellent all-natural formulas specifically made to support a healthy thyroid function. Try adding a thyroid support formula from a reputable company to your daily regimen.

More information about Underactive or Low Thyroid related problems can be found at HealthyChoiceNaturals.

Frank Darling is a writer for the HealthyChoiceNaturals Health Newsletter. For more information on natural supplements for a healthy lifestyle, visit http://ift.tt/1P7XQpL.

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