Tricks To Lose 10 Pounds In 7 Days

Tricks To Lose 10 Pounds In 7 Days

How would you like to lose 10 pounds in 1 week? Don’t think that this is an article about running 10 miles a day and not eating more than 500 calories because there is more to losing weight than that and that is why I want to show you some things that you can do to lose weight the easy way.

What most people do to lose weight is they stop eating all together, they try to exercise for about 1 hour per day, and they do this for 1 week just to find out that they barely lost any weight. What you need to understand is that losing weight like this is the wrong thing to do and the reason is because even if you lose weight, once you start eating again you will gain it all back very quickly. Just know that there are better ways to lose weight and they are not as difficult as hard exercise routines and not eating.

One of the very first things that I recommend you doing is to take something called the HCG diet drop. What this does is it will coat the inner lining of your stomach so that when you eat the fat will not stick to the lining and will instead just go right through you. The best part about this entire process is that most people report results of around 2 pounds of weight loss per day. You could lose 10 pounds doing this method alone but just to make sure you lose as much weight as possible I have added a couple extra things for you to try.

Another thing that I would recommend is to eliminate 500 calories per day from your intake. If you can eliminate 500 calories per day then in 7 days you will be able to drop 1 pound since 3500 calories equals 1 pound of fat. What you need to do is keep eating as many meals as you do now, the only change is that you should cut back on the amount that you eat.

Something else that works great to lose more weight in 1 week is to go on a brisk 15 minute walk every day. Most likely this is going to help you burn an extra 200 calories so with cutting out some of what you eat you will already be able to cut out 700 calories which in turn is going to make you lose more weight during the week. Another thing you can do is tap your toes of twiddle your fingers because studies show that when this is done throughout the day that person is most likely going to lose an extra 300 calories. Now if you can do all of this then you will lose a total of 1000 calories per day on top of the 2 pounds which will yield you remarkable results.

What you need to understand is that you don’t have to take HCG diet drops but in order to lose the most weight in the least amount of time then the HCG weight loss program has to be considered.

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