Top 10 Myths of Dieting

Top 10 Myths of Dieting

Diet myth #1: Fat-free means I will lose weight.
Fail. Studies found that fat-free does not actually help a person lose weight and causes more weight gain. Reason for that range from the product actually not being healthier than its “fat" predecessor and people tend to eat more of it thinking it is “fat-free. "

Diet myth #2: Organic foods help me lose weight.
More and more people are starting to buy “organic" products making themselves feel they are better people and healthier. Yes, I believe organic is healthier but it will NOT help you lose weight. People confused better health with weight loss. Organic just means non-processed foods. Its just better practice.

Diet myth #3: Meat will cause me to gain weight.
Yes, if you eat hamburgers everyday at McD’s you’ll be fat and fit in right with the rest of us Americans. Meat is not always bad. It just depends on how its cooked and what type of meat it is. Stay away from really greasy foods. Its disgusting. Steak, chicken, seafood. Have it all. Just watch your calories. Just stay away from wings, hotdogs, hamburgers, deep fried shrimp. What are you thinking!?

Diet myth #4: If I do a 100 crunches a day I will have a six pack in 6 months.
Well, if you’re Mr. “I had a dozen donuts before this workout" I think it’ll take much more than an x-ray to be able to see that six pack of yours. Your body fat must be down to at least 10-12%. The six pack is there. Just find a way to uncover it.

Diet myth #5: Do not eat after 9 pm.
Or some other late night variation of this time. This is false. Eat as late as you want. However , the reason for weight gain is that you probably had breakfast, 2nd breakfast, brunch, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, etc . The reason for weight gain is that you are over-exceeding your calorie intake for the day. Simple as that. Eat less calories.

Diet myth #6: Diet pills don’t work
Most diet pills don’t. They actually wreck your body. Its about finding the right one that will supplement your healthy eating and lifestyle. The best are the one’s that will have no side effects and will help boost your own body’s fat-fighting abilities.

Diet myth #7: If its on the store shelf, it’s safe for me to take
Many people think that just because its being sold in stores that its approved by the government automatically. They assume that our government wouldn’t let these products be put up for sale if it weren’t approved. However , it is found that the FDA still has on going investigations for many products that have not been reviewed and have been finding terrible cases in which drugs, illegal substances, and other harmful ingredients were found without being labeled. Not all products have been reviewed by the government.

Diet myth #8: Potatoes suck.
Yeah, if you have him fried, deep fried, fried again, piled with sour cream, rubbed with butter, bacon, other accessories and then topped with chives to make yourself feel better about the whole thing. Potatoes are awesome. Stop blaming them. You’re to blame.

Diet myth #9: If you’re hungry, just ignore it.
False, you’re body will hate you. Have a quick snack like some fruit or some vegetables. If your craving something bad, have only a little bit of it to stave your hunger. Have enough small snacks so that you don’t feel fat.

Diet myth #10: Vitamins will help with energy levels
It is not scientifically proven that vitamins will effect your energy levels in any way. The body flushes out 70% of vitamins through urination. Now if your body lacks a certain essential nutrient, it is important to take supplements prescribed by a doctor.

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