Thyroid and Your Health

Thyroid and Your Health

Thyroid disorder is one of the most common and often misdiagnosed health conditions affecting Americans. goitApproximately 58 million people suffer from some form of thyroid disease; unfortunately, these disorders often go untreated. While there are many disorders of the thyroid, the most common is related to abnormal thyroid hormone production. The thyroid gland produces and stores thyroid hormone (TH) that directly influences all of the metabolic processes, metabolism, and controls virtually every major organ system in the body. If the thyroid gland is not functioning correctly, whether overactive or underactive, the entire body and all of its systems are not functioning correctly.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism (underactive) can include: goiter, infertility, weight gain or difficulty losing weight, depression, moodiness, fatigue, cold intolerance, dry skin (cracked heels), excessive dandruff, dry hair, hair loss, forgetfulness or trouble concentrating, muscle cramps, constipation, menstrual irregularities, infertility, slow heart rate and high cholesterol.

Many of these symptoms may be overlooked or associated with other medical conditions, resulting in an undiagnosed and untreated physical, life-altering illness.

While both men and women can experience various thyroid conditions, up to 25% of all women suffer from borderline thyroid conditions. Be aware of any subtle or persistent change in your health and discuss in detail with your physician.

Keep in mind, there are many highly effective treatment options for diagnosed thyroid conditions, as well as, excellent “preventive" supplements for slight or borderline underactive thyroid levels. Specific vitamins and minerals such as B-Vitamins, Zinc, Iodine, Copper, Manganese, Molybdenum, and L-Tyrosine are necessary for proper thyroid function. These supplements nourish and help maintain thyroid gland health, regulate the production of T3 and T4 hormones, and help relieve symptoms related to hypothyroidism.

While a healthy diet is an important factor in thyroid functions and levels, maintaining a healthy diet on a daily basis can be difficult. Seeking alternative supplements may be a wise choice for your continued health and wellness. As always, we encourage you to discuss your specific health needs and concerns with your physician.

If you would like more information about Thyroid Support, or any of our premium health supplements, please visit our website.

Remember… it’s your life… your health… live well.

Kim is a part of the “team" at Top of the World Distributors, a major supplier of health and wellness products since 1997. Manufactured in the U. S. A. their premium line of nutritional supplements contains only the highest quality ingredients. To further assist with questions or concerns, Top of the World Distributors has a full staff of nurses and health care consultants available by phone at 1-800-325-4366 or their website

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