Things You Must Consider Before Fasting to Lose Weight!

Things You Must Consider Before Fasting to Lose Weight!

Many people out there believe that fasting is one of the best ways to lose weight if you’re trying to turn from size twenty to size two in no time. But is it really? According to the experts it is unsafe to fast as it creeps up many health hazards. And to add to that, you never tend to lose any weight in the long run. What actually happens during fasting is that the rate of metabolism of the body falls down and one might seem to lose a little weight. But when you are back to your normal diet after a fast, your body refills the used up energy and thus all the weight that was lost during the fast is regained, and in many cases more weight is regained.

When you fast to lose weight, you don’t eat anything for a period of time apart from taking in a few liquids. During this time, what you actually do is deprive your body of the essential nutrients that it needs. The nutrients present in the liquids taken are not sufficient and many times they are wasted by the body. Thus, dieting over a long period of time can leave your body dehydrated and nutrient deficient. Apart from that, when you return to your regular diet, the body’s metabolism rate needs some time to re-adjust, and that may pose a substantial risk to your health.

Apart from the fat cells, that most of us hate to have in our body, we also have muscle cells which are vital to our organism. Most of the pills that you will consume during this process have been created to make you lose weight as fast as possible. In order to achieve just that, they aim at the loss of much necessary muscle cells rather than just targeting the fat cells. Although, fasting appears to be effective as some weight is lost in the form of muscles, it is again gained back when the diet becomes normal. Thus, the best way to lose weight is to follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly. This way the body continues to get its essential nutrients through the balanced diet and fat cells are burnt through timely exercise.

It has been observed that people find it difficult to fast over a long period of time, as the body’s metabolic rate becomes unstable and the sustenance on limited amount of calories becomes nearly impossible. This is the reason why people run towards their regular diet after a few days of fasting.

The bottom line and my best advice to you is to take in low calorie but nutrient rich food, in addition to regular exercise, in order to effectively lose weight.

If you are looking for more information on fasting, visit my personal blog on Fasting Weight Loss. Another article you might want to consider is Is Fasting Safe!

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