The Truth About Metabolism

The Truth About Metabolism

Whenever you read about diets and weight loss it isn’t long before the word metabolism crops up. Metabolism is a much misunderstood term. Many people blame their low metabolic rate as the reason for their weight issues. To do this is to overlook the facts about metabolism.

Metabolism is defined as those biochemical processes that take place to maintain life. These biological processes allow us to repair cell and tissue damage, grow and react to the environment. It is actually two processes. Anabolism , those reactions that convert small molecules into large; and catabolism , where large molecules are broken down into smaller molecules.

The anabolic activity of making large things from small uses up energy. Anabolism allows the body to grow new cells and maintain tissue. In the same way a worker uses simple building blocks to construct a house, the process of anabolism utilizes simple chemicals and molecules to build all the necessary complex materials needed for life. Our bodies are continually replacing cells. The growth and mineralization of bone and increase in muscle mass are also anabolic processes.

The catabolic process breaks large things down. When we eat our body breaks down the organic nutrients into smaller chemicals. This breaking down process releases energy into the body. This energy is used to fuel anabolic processes. Catabolism provides the energy your body needs for physical activity and growth.

Excess energy is mainly retained in your body either as glycogen in the liver or fat. When the catabolic process produces more energy than anabolism requires an excess of energy is created. It is often stated that thin people have a fast metabolic rate and overweight people have a low metabolism. This is very rarely the case. Becoming and remaining overweight is generally the consequence of the imbalance in energy, when the body stores the excess energy as fat.

It follows that if you can create a situation where your catabolic activity is low relative to your anabolic activity you will have to utilize the stored excess energy. This will lead to weight loss.

We can use this information to our advantage. By reducing calorie intake – dieting – there is less food to catabolise. This means less energy is released into your body. You can increase your anabolic rate by exercising. Post physical activity your body goes through a period of repair, which is largely anabolic in nature.

Therefore we come to the unremarkable conclusion that in order to lose weight you need to eat less and exercise more. Not exactly rocket science, but now at least you understand how it works, and why if you are serious about losing weight both exercise and diet play a role.

The author is an independent researcher. For more information visit

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