The Hidden Key 3 Rapidly Burning Stubborn Fat

how to lose weight rapidly

The Hidden Key 3 Rapidly Burning Stubborn Fat

You are about to learn three “power tips" for burning fat that fitness models, athletes, coaches and high-profile personal use to carry out these sexy abs, arms, thighs, and in no time…

Honestly, I’m a little sick and tired of hearing the same old “ten fat loss tips" circulating in magazines and websites…

You are smart enough to realize that regular exercise and diet help you lose fat but you are looking for better advice, something powerful and easy to follow. The following tips offer the solution you’ve been looking for:

Tip 1:

Replace breads, pastas, and rice with fruits and vegetables. No, this is not the Atkins diet, as they are not avoiding carbs, you’re just replacing the “types" of carbs you eat.

Fruits and vegetables are a very fast burning source of carbohydrates, which means they are eliminated by your body to produce energy instead of being stored and converted to fat.

Basically, by eating fruits and vegetables, which will have a lot of energy during the day…

Conventional sources of carbohydrates such as bread, rice, pasta, and are very slow burning carbohydrate sources, and eventually convert to fat if not fully utilized to produce energy.

In addition , most breads and pasta are highly processed and not nutritious, so it’s not a good idea to consume them for proper nutrition reasons anyways.

Finally, fruits and vegetables are 70-80% water, which means that by eating you stay well hydrated throughout the day. They are rich in fiber and enzymes and consumption throughout the day literally causes the fat to “melt. "

As a rule, eat at least 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day! Whenever you have a craving for something sweet, grab a fruit! Do not underestimate the power of this council, which is one of the best kept secrets of fitness models, bodybuilders, and celebrities from around the world.

Tip 2:

Drink at least 16 glasses of purified water a day.

The truth is that 8 glasses is okay for the average person, but if you want to burn fat as quickly as possible, 16 glasses get the job done.

Water helps to supercharge the cells, removing harmful toxins, and boost your metabolism.

Eating a large amount of water makes it difficult for the fat to “stick" to your body. However , this does not mean you can pig out and expect the water to remove all the fat.

In addition , drinking 16 glasses of water a day, most likely will not have a need for coffee, and that his energy and concentration levels increase.

Be careful, because tap water is not a good option. Ideally, you want to drink purified water, either through a commercial filter or boiled. Your best bet by far is natural spring water, as it has the balance of minerals that Mother Nature has perfected.

Boxers and athletes drink tons of water a couple of weeks before “game time" to get as thin as possible…

Tip 3:

Do 20 minutes of resistance training in the light before Cardio…

If you want to burn up to 200% more fat during aerobic or cardio workout, then you should do a light session of weight lifting or resistance exercises for 20 minutes.

Your body burns fat during the first 20 minutes of any exercise! So , if you run for 20 minutes without doing any exercise in advance, only burning glycogen, not fat. Glycogen is the energy source used by muscles.

Basically, you have to elevate your heart rate for at least 20 minutes before your body starts burning fat…

The best way to raise your heart rate and start your metabolism is to do resistance training to light for about 20 minutes before your cardio routine. What it does is two things:

Lisa Beverley writes highly informative and researched articles for end consumers about a variety of weight loss including remedies, health and fitness and nutrition , slimming, weight loss products, bodybuilding supplements and diet tips.

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