The Healthy Way to Lose Stomach Fat

The Healthy Way to Lose Stomach Fat

Stomach fat (also know as beer bellies, belly fat) is a very unhealthy form of fat. A stomach starts to grow due to a build up of visceral fat around the internal organs. In small quantities, fat protects the organs. However , as people accumulate more weight, the fat starts to cause problems, and leads to disease, cholesterol problems and other obesity related issues. Belly fat is a very stubborn form of fat. For many people shifting belly fat is the hardest part of losing weight. For those that wish to build a 6 pack, it is vital that the fat is lost.

So , how do we go about losing belly fat? The answer is simple by using a combination of diet and exercise. However , the procedure is not so simple. You need the mental discipline to ensure that you follow these rules properly. Cheating on the rules is cheating on yourself, and failure will result.

Stomach Fat Rule 1: Ditch the Junk Food

It is a common misconception that fatty foods lead to weight gain. The real problem is sugar, and junk food is full of it. Stop eating all junk food such as takeaways, candy, ice cream, cakes, cookies, donuts and sugary drinks like cola. These are full of calories and contain no nutritional value, leaving you feeling hungry while also putting on weight!

Stomach Fat Rule 2: Healthy Carbs Only

Junk food is not the only problem, bread and pasta also leads to weight gain. If you are not active, then consuming high energy foods like bread and pasta will mean you put on weight. Avoid refined carbohydrates and eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and pulses as these contain more fiber, and leave you feeling full for longer. Mixed salads are an excellent choice.

Stomach Fat Rule 3: Give up the Alcohol

Alcohol is a form of energy. Also when people drink, they feel hungry and eat more. And on top of that, when you have alcohol in your system, your body stops burning fat and sugar for energy. Stop drinking completely for a month and see how you progress.

Stomach Fat Rule 4: Plan Your Meals, Keep a Food Diary

If you plan your meals, you are less likely to snack. Also keeping an honest food diary means that you can quickly spot problem areas and deal with them, However , you have to be true to yourself. Write everything down, no cheating!

Stomach Fat Rule 5: Exercise

To lose stomach fat, exercise really is the key. However , this does not mean performing crunches every day. There are two ways to burn fat through exercise:

Building muscle with weight training, which increases your metabolism
Intensive cardio exercise, which raises the heart beat and burns fat

Both of these methods must be used to successfully reduce belly fat. Free weights are ideal, so get some dumbbells and a weight training bench, and start pumping iron. Body-weight exercise is also very effective, so press ups, crunches, jumping jacks, burpies, squats and lunges are all good.

Running and cycling are also excellent ways to lose weight, but ensure that you follow an intensive interval training routine, i. e. incorporate sprints into your workout. Raising your heartbeat throughout your workout will help you to burn more fat. Please note that the “fat burning zone" is a myth of the gym, and if you exercise in the so called fat burning zone, you only make your job of losing stomach fat much harder.

Stick with the plan, stay focused, and you can do it.

Jon Wade is the founder of MotleyHealth. com, a health and fitness community that helps people lose weight and get fit. Visit to start losing weight today.

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