The Fastest and Easiest Way to Lose Weight in 3 Simple Steps

simple steps to losing weight

The Fastest and Easiest Way to Lose Weight in 3 Simple Steps

If you are serious about losing weight then do yourself a huge favor and listen very closely. I am going to tell you about 3 things you can do, 3 things you can start doing today, and if you were to continue doing on a regular basis will result in you losing weight. These 3 things are available to you anytime, they are easy to understand, and they are easy to do. The only thing that can prevent these 3 things from working is your resistance to carry them out on a regular basis. You cannot follow these 3 steps regularly without losing weight. I am limited on space, so as much as I would like to expand on each of the following to support their validation, I am instead going to present these 3 things as quickly and as clearly as I can.

1 . Super-hydrate. You are dehydrated. Right now, your body needs more water than you are giving it. Water serves the body by acting as a delivery system. It carries nutrients throughout the body and carries the waste out. Without a sufficient supply of water in it, your body is unable to remove excess build up. That excess build up results in many things, most noticeably, extra weight. More water equals faster weight loss. And this is where I wish I could end it, but I can’t just yet, why? Because this is one of those things that’s easier said than done. And why is that? Because we are human and humans operate on habit. It’s how we have evolved and survived for so long on this harsh planet of ours. So what you need to do is to turn drinking more water into a habit and the easiest way to do that is to tie it onto another habit that you already have. If you can attach drinking a tall glass of water onto an everyday routine that you already do without thinking about it, then drinking water would very quickly fall into that category, which would be fantastic!

2 . Super-oxygenate. You are also not getting enough oxygen into your body on a regular basis. Air is the most important element to the human body. We can survive weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without air. Air is what enables our cells to release stored energy and allows our organs to carry out their required functions. More air equals more energy. You need to spend more time building up your aerobic capacity. The obvious answer to this is to simply get on your favorite machine and burn that fat away. Do it regularly, and do it incrementally, more and more each time.

3. Super-Real Foods. Try to make as much of what you eat as close to their natural state as possible. French fries are not the same as potatoes. Spaghetti is not the same as whole cereal grains and purred tomatoes. Let me give you a simple tool to use to judge for yourself whether the food you’re eating is moving you closer or further away from your goal of losing weight. Before every meal, ask yourself this question, “If there were no factories, no production lines, and no slaughterhouses, would I still be able to eat this? " Ask this question to yourself often to build an awareness within you that will enable you to eat better.

This article is painfully short. I had to delete of a lot of information because I want to leave you with a message. Whatever reason you may have for wanting to lose weight, whether it’s to look better, to feel better, or to impress someone, there is a much more important reason for you to lose weight. You need to lose weight because you are not as happy as you could be otherwise. And if you are not as happy as you can be, then you are not giving back to the world as much as you could be. If you are not as happy as you can be, you not only hurt yourself, you hurt your children, you hurt me, and you hurt the planet. Please, drink more water, breath more air, eat better foods, and make yourself happy.

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