The ABC’s of Losing Weight

The ABC’s of Losing Weight

If you find yourself not able to lose weight and you need to change the approach you have been using. Insanity is ‘doing the same things you have been doing and yet expect different results’. You need to switch completely the approach you have been using in order to lose weight. If you have been trying to lose weight through going on a fad diet then you need to switch and try out strength training. This is guaranteed to help you lose weight compared to those fad diets. I have never heard of any success story of a person who was able to lose weight through going on those fad diets, and even if they have managed to lose weight this comes at the expense of there body composition.

When you go on a fad diet which is calorie restrictive you will force the body to go into starvation mode. When the body is in starvation mode it will try and preserve energy by burning muscles instead of fat in order to produce energy. Your body muscles will therefore get depleted and this will lower your body metabolism. When your body metabolism is low you will not be able to burn a lot of calories and thus the extra calories will end up being converted into fat and stored in the body. You should ensure that you do not lose your muscle tissues since they are very active and as such lead to the burning of a lot of calories even when the body is resting.

If you want to lose your weight permanently you need to row up your body metabolism. The only way you can be able to lose your muscles permanently is by increasing your resting metabolic. There is a very close relationship between your RMR and the number of lean muscles you have in your body. Therefore when you increase your muscles you in turn increase your resting metabolic rate and therefore you will burn more calories and lose weight. The only way you can be able to increase your lean body muscles is through strength training.

Many people are not aware that strength training is more effective when it comes to losing weight than aerobic exercises. This is because with aerobic exercises you will not be able to lose weight when you are not exercising. The only time you are burning calories is when you are performing the actual aerobic exercise. However with strength training you are able to increase you’re resting metabolic rate and hence you will be burning calories even when you are not training.

When undertaking strength training you should not make a mistake of coupling it with steroids the so called wonder drug. This is because steroids will lead to the following side effects; enlargement of the clitoris, shrinking testicles, low libido, low sperm count, impotence in men, loss of hair, growth of facial hair in women, coarse voice in women, irregularity in there menstrual cycle, increase in aggression, heart problems, liver conditions, kidney problems and sleeping disorders. The use of steroids to lose weight should not even be an option.

Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on training, nutrition, and supplements. To build muscle fast, he recommends the world class steroid alternatives from GetAnabolics. com instead of illegal anabolics


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