Still Cannot Lose Weight? Don’t Stop Trying

cannot lose weight

Still Cannot Lose Weight? Don’t Stop Trying

If you are like many American you have a few pounds that you would like to lose. You have told yourself a hundred times that you would start eating better or exercising tomorrow. You have chastised yourself that you were going to fit into that two piece by summer. Maybe you even started a diet, but you still cannot lose weight. Or you don’t think it is happening quickly enough. You decide to throw diet and exercise out the window and instead look for an easier solution, perhaps a magic pill that will melt the pounds away.

The truth of the matter is that, in general, a pill won’t help. Over the counter diet pills are not a solution to your weight loss problem. Most are a blend of caffeine and other chemicals that aim to suppress your appetite or speed up your metabolism rather than supporting healthy weight loss. Though you may lose weight when you are on the pill, the effect is often temporary. As soon as you stop taking it, the weight will come back and without it, you still cannot lose weight. That’s because the key to sustained weight loss is to make lifestyle changes.

Healthy weight loss can be achieved by changing what you eat, the way that you eat it and making changes to your activity level, through exercise. Eating healthier foods as well as eating smaller more frequent portions seems to be the bottom line. We have all heard these tried and true facts. The problem for most people is that making the change feels very immediate, but the results are not. We are so fueled by instant gratification that it is very hard to accept that some rewards don’t come overnight. So when they eat better tonight, but weigh the same tomorrow, they get discouraged and believe that they still cannot lose weight. Most diet pills claim to offer a more instant solution, which is what makes them so attractive to so many people.

Other than for an actual medical condition, taking a pill is almost never a solution to losing weight. Altering your diet and adding exercise is the only way to truly change your body. If you commit to a long term plan and find that after several weeks or months you still cannot lose weight, you should consult a doctor to see if there is an underlying problem.

Fat Loss Reviews for more facts about weight loss.

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