Steroids Effects- Worth the Risks?

Steroids Effects- Worth the Risks?

Even though they are largely against policy in many sports associations, steroids are still very popular with athletes and in use everywhere. From high schools and colleges to professional sports leagues, athletes are trying to bulk up and enhance their performances with help from steroids effects. While the outside effects might seem positive, such as bulking up muscles and enhancing endurance, the damage in the inside might not be worth the benefits. The damages to the body done by steroid use can be debilitating and even life threatening, depending upon the individual and the level of damage done.

Steroids effects are most known by the general public when something happens to an athlete who is using steroids. Either the athlete is caught and in trouble or something physically goes wrong and medical care is needed or death occurs. Psychiatric behaviors linked to steroid use are often dramatic and can mimic the behaviors of bipolar disorder victims. Steroid users can have manic episodes that lead to aggressive behavior, recklessness and a diminished need for sleep. These episodes are called ‘roid rage’ and can be deadly when behaviors escalate to risky and dangerous pursuits.

Most of the time manic roid rage episodes are followed by periods of deep, dark depression in which the victims may exhibit suicidal behaviors. Steroids effects such as these may not surface until it is too late. Steroid users have a higher risk of cardiovascular events such as heart attacks and strokes as well as an increased risk for accidents such as car accidents and other things due to risk behaviors during manic episodes. Steroids effects such as kidney problems, liver issues and growth defects are also seen in users. The longer steroids are used, the more likely the user is to have long term or debilitating problems.

While there are medical versions of steroids that doctors use to treat different medical needs, anabolic androgenic steroids are not approved for the use in athletic pursuits. Bulking up the muscles, ramping up the speed and aggressiveness on the playing field, doing these things with the use of steroids effects is harmful to the body and mind. Some athletes take other medications in conjunction with steroids in move called ‘stacking’. Instead of decreasing the side effects, this method heightens the risk for harmful effects. Athletes want to function above and beyond their peak capacity. Is this sacrifice worth the harm to the body and mind?

Writer at Bodybuilding trainer.

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