Steroids Effects ? Athletic Prowess

Steroids Effects? Athletic Prowess

Athletics have become such a huge money making deal on all levels. From high school sports where kids are rigorously groomed and trained to college sports where the same goes on all the way up to professional sports arenas. As a result of such a big deal, often athletes have huge pressures put upon them to perform to a high level or someone else can take your place. Athletes thus strive to be the biggest and best at what they do. This can sometimes lead to steroid use. These drugs are used for the steroids effects of bigger muscles and more endurance.

With more strength and power, athletes perform at levels beyond their peak levels and become rock stars in their game. Steroids effects wreak havoc on the body, despite the benefits athletes feel they gain from using such controlled substances. Controlled substances such as steroids are frowned upon in most athletic venues, for most associations will not tolerate such and will frequently test athletes for steroid use. Users are often disqualified or otherwise punished for their steroid use. Steroids are taken orally or injected into the muscle and the doses taken by athletes are typically mega doses containing hundreds of milligrams.

Steroids effects on athletes who use them can be long lasting and crippling. Some athletes experience side effects that they attempt to minimize by taking other medications at the same time. This is called ‘stacking’. Taking pain killers, depressants and stimulants in conjunction with steroids is a dangerous game that can so easily backfire. The risks for heart attacks, strokes, liver problems, kidney damage and psychological issues abound in those who are taking steroids, especially over a long period of time. The heart can only take so much high blood pressure and cholesterol increases before it suffers.

Psychiatric problems that are steroids effects can be dramatic and deadly. Many case reports show that steroid users experience behaviors and mood swings much like those people who suffer with bipolar disorders do. Manic behaviors where aggressiveness, sleeplessness and recklessness all collide often end up in disaster. Some athletes even seek out this manic feeling in order to enhance their field performance or motivate them to train harder, faster, longer. This type of mania is almost always followed by a period of deep depression. Such a dramatic swing often leads to suicidal behavior. Steroids effects are much more than just bulky muscles.

Writer at Bodybuilding trainer.

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