Snack Attack — Lose Weight Naturally with POPCORN

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Popcorn legend has it that whenever Quadequina, an Indian brave, brought a deerskin bag filled with popped corn to the 1st American Thanksgiving in 1621, the Pilgrims at Plymouth didn’ t find out how to proceed with the funny seeking kernels. Settlers later on served them doused with sugars and cream. “ It’ s still a fantastic breakfast, " says Joel Herskowitz, 40, an assistant professor at Boston University medical college. “ But I’ d recommend having them with raisins and low-fats milk instead. "

Health Benefits

What snack food have you any idea that provides less than 100 calories, no fat or sodium, and almost four grams of fiber in three cups? Only one: popcorn. The catch is usually that it must be air-popped popcorn with no added oil, butter, margarine, or salt. It’ s chewy, tasty, and filling: everything a snack food should be.
Keep in mind that whole grains, like popcorn, are abundant in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals. In a 12-year study of nearly 75, 000 nurses, it was noted that those who ate whole grains had a lower body weight than those who ate fewer whole grains. And those eating whole grains were less likely to gain weight.
Besides all that, popcorn provides protein. And you can’ t beat its fiber content, practically all of which is insoluble. Eat plenty of popcorn, and with all the fiber, you’ ll be less likely to suffer constipation. Plus your intestinal tract will also be less likely to harbor carcinogens and other toxins.

Saves Calories and Saturated Fat

Per cup, movie-theater popcorn can contain 27 calories of saturated fat and 60 total calories. An equal amount of air-popped popcorn contains 0. 5 calories of saturated fat and 31 total calories. Eating the same amount of air-popped popcorn as the large size at the films saves you 530 calorie consumption of saturated fat and 580 total calories. Eating fat-free of charge microwaveable popcorn rather than the microwaveable movie-theater variations also results in a large reduction of saturated fats and total calories. For example , one serving of one make of movie-theater popcorn contains 67 calories of saturated fats or trans fat, and 180 total calorie consumption. One serving of this brand’ s 94 percent fat-free range, however , provides 4. 5 calories of saturated fat, no trans fat, and 110 total calories.

Popcorn? Weight Loss?

It is obvious that simply popped popcorn is most definitely not among the best foods that can entice your palate. Obtaining a way around making these foods enjoyable is the secret. Dusting popcorn with spices makes it very enjoyable while giving you the best out of it. Here is a tip on how to make popcorn a great inter meals snack when trying to lose weight.
Mix in some spices into your popcorn to give flavor
Instead of full fat or butter try spray oil to coat the popcorn
Pack this in a brown paper lunch bag
You can choose to skip salt when seasoning
Use canola oil, olive oil or any other monosaturated fats
According to Ramona Josephson, a Vancouver-based registered dietitian. The good health effects of popcorn depend on how this snack is prepared.
Ramona suggests using an air flow popper. When it’s popped, spritz with olive oil and toss with Parmesan cheese or garlic powder for a healthy snack. Adding globs of butter makes it less healthy.

Reduces Sodium Ingestion

Though the many low-fat microwaveable versions of popcorn contain nearly the same amount of fiber and calories as air-popped, they contain far more sodium. The suggested serving of the previously mentioned 94 percent fat-free popcorn contains 270 milligrams of sodium, whereas the same amount of air-popped popcorn contains 2 milligrams. Limiting sodium reduces water-weight gain, making it easier to lose excess weight. Eating salty foods increases the sodium level of your blood, which your body remedies by increasing thirst and slowing the production of urine. If you quench this thirst by drinking a sugar-sweetened drink, slimming down becomes even harder.

Preparation and Serving Tips

That can be done it the old-fashioned way and pop kernels in oil on the stove, using extra-light essential olive oil. Otherwise, stick to a light microwave popcorn.

If you would like more flavor, try dusting snacks with grated Parmesan cheese, which is tasty but adds calorie consumption. Or taste it with sprinkle-on butter alternative, garlic powder, or cinnamon. You could also make use of a few pumps of a spray-type margarine. After that sprinkle with Brewer’ s yeast flakes for a lift of B-vitamin supplements.

The moisture of the spray margarine assists hold the above tastes on the popped kernels.
So remember, view the butter, essential oil, salt, and toppings, and you could still enjoy your preferred movie deal with without over-indulging and staying true to your weight-loss routine.

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