Smoothies For Weight Loss – Important Details You Ought To Know

Smoothies For Weight Loss – Important Details You Ought To Know
Smoothies lessen your food cravings. Packed with soy, whey or soy protein, good fats, yogurt, fresh fruits, among others, smoothies make you feel full for hours. A study conducted in New York Obesity Research Centers reveals that people who drink soy-based drinks lost three times more weight than those who consumed the same amount of calories eating regular food. In a 90-day trial, subjects who were given a certain smoothie as a meal replacement lost weight five times faster compared to those who were given the traditional low-calorie meal. In a similar study, the Journal of American Dietetic Association showed that twice as much weight is lost by those replaced a meal with smoothies than those who were given the traditional diet with the same amount of calories. This study was done in span of twelve weeks.

Smoothies are a metabolic boosting breakfast. They set your metabolism for the day and will curb your mid-morning and afternoon appetite. The food that you will have in the morning will determine your blood sugar levels for the rest of the day. In a high carbohydrate diet, the blood sugar levels will rise rapidly but will decline to an extremely low level before 6 hours. This decline in sugar level will reduce the food-burning capacity of the body, causing fatigue and inefficiency. As the body slows down food-burning, more and more energy is converted into fat. However , in a high protein diet, the body gets a prolonged supply of glucose that makes food-burning more efficient and last longer. After consuming the high protein meal, the blood sugar level becomes faster and the blood sugar level will stay high in the entire six hours. A research pointed out that when you combine carbohydrate, protein and fat, digestion is slowed and the result is a gradual absorption of glucose into the blood. A higher level of energy for many hours and lower fat making insulin levels is thus achieved. A blend of wheat germ and a protein-rich smoothie is a perfect combination of this carbohydrate, protein and fats. Here is a weight loss regimen you can try:

1 . Drink this weight-Loss smoothie every morning as soon as you wake up. The earlier you drink, the earlier your metabolism will work hard and the faster you lose weight.

2 . Include in your smoothie the key ingredients like whey protein, fruits, yogurt, juice, fiber powder or any preferred substitute with similar nutritional value.

3. Consume your weight-loss smoothie immediately after blending it. Do not let it stand for too long as it will lose its flavor.

4. Follow this succession in blending your homemade weight loss smoothie: First, put in 2 bananas, then half a cup of yogurt, one spoonful of fiber powder, one cup of juice (any preferred flavor will do) and finally, put in the ice cubes.

5. If you prefer a thicker smoothie, increase the proportion of fruits. You can add a little sugar or maple syrup to add taste. Smoothies are easy on the stomach and they aid in digestion. Have fun losing weight!

* Make a weight loss smoothie every morning immediately after you wake up. The earlier you start up your metabolism the harder it is going to work. This will making losing weight so much easier

* Add a combination of these key ingredients based on your taste preferences: Fruit, whey protein, yogurt, tasteless fiber powder, juice, and ice cubes. This weight loss plan smoothie is easy on the stomach and helps aid digestion.

* Drink your delicious weight loss smoothie quickly after you have made it. I have noticed that it tastes best this way. If you wait too long it loses flavor. Losing weight actually tastes good with a smoothie.

* Use these measurements as a guide when you make a weight loss smoothie:

2 bananas

1/2 cup yogurt

1 spoonful fiber powder

1 cup of juice

3 ice cubes

Lastly, make sure that you check out this Blendtec blender review and grab this Blendtec discount code.


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