Should I Diet to Lose Weight For My Wedding?

lose weight for wedding

Should I Diet to Lose Weight For My Wedding?

Many of us face a problem which seems worse if there is a deadline associated with it. Could this be you? You know you are a bit overweight, but haven’t worried about it. But now you are going to get married in a few months time. You naturally want to look your best at that time so you ask yourself, “Should I diet to lose weight for my wedding? ‘ The answer will almost certainly be “Yes! " But don’t rush into the first crash diet you find: a well constructed healthy diet can have you losing up to 10 pounds a week and that should be rapid enough to have you looking great on the big day.

The Situation

Statistics are showing that a large proportion of the population in most western countries is overweight or obese; 64% in America and 48% in Europe. But what is more alarming is that children in the 6 – 11 year age group are becoming overweight at a greater rate than any other age group which means that the problem is going to increase. This is not just a problem for the individuals who are over weight, but also for those with the responsibility for the welfare of our communities.

The Problem

Being overweight can have a detrimental effect on a person’s health apart from being embarrassed and uncomfortable. While being slightly over weight is not a great risk, as the weight increases and approaches obesity a person can be at risk from up to 30 medical conditions some more critical than others. Some of the problems which can occur are: –

Heart disease,

Gall bladder problems,

High blood pressure,

Increased cholesterol levels,

Type 2 diabetes, stroke,

Sleep apnea and some forms of cancer.

Also common among over weight people is arthritis and cardiovascular disease. The American Heart Association rates obesity as the leading cause of heart attacks.

There are other more minor problems which can result from being over weight. Something that perhaps would not be associated with extra weight – 70% of people with carpal tunnel syndrome are over weight.


Over weight is not just a problem for the individual, it has become large enough that it creating an impact on a national scale and as a result involves a large proportion of the organizations concerned with our health care. But it is also important for us as individuals to take steps to protect our health and one thing we can do is to look to our daily food intake and ask ourselves “should I diet? "

There are several weight loss available each of which can help you lose weight safely and confidently. They are flexible and make use of natural foods and provide a choice of menus, including vegetarian.

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