Shed Weight From Your Stomach

Shed Weight From Your Stomach

You might be always wanting to lose your belly fat just like every other people but not everyone is that same. The fat on your fingers or even your feet might go first but this differs from individuals. Anyway, don’t be disappointed now as losing belly fat is something that can be done and natural and easy weight loss is the way to do it.

Assuming that you are an obese individual who has crossed 30 years of age, there are several factors that you needed to adapt for changing your diet in order to lose that extra fat. Firstly, you might have consumed enough high carb foods to such an extent that you no longer needs to take high calorie foods to have enough energy to carry out normal activities in your daily routines. This is because you have grown up eating high carb starch & fiber rich foods like beef & potatoes pretty often that you no longer need any more calories.

Poultry Meats: Lean cuts of chicken (breast) & turkey are the best. They are packed with protein, niacin, selenium, B6 vitamins and more. It is recommended that you cook these meats by grilling, baking or roasting.

Dark Chocolate: This yummy treat is high in flavanols which boost good HDL cholesterol levels. It also has natural substance that helps control insulin levels and relax blood vessels. Look for dark chocolate that is 65% coca or higher and does not have excess sugar added. A really good one that also has probiotics is the Attune Dark Chocolate Bar. This delicious treat boasts 68% dark chocolate, probiotics and is only 80 calories! Replace your candy bar craving with this bar and see belly shrinking results faster!

For other meals including supper, eat vegetables, low amounts of carbohydrate and protein. Egg, lean meat, fish, etc are good sources of proteins. Eat them. It is also beneficial to eat six small meals a day than three big meals. This helps in metabolism, helpful to lose belly fat.

You will want to get your protein from healthy sources, and nuts are a natural way to provide your body with the necessary protein it needs without adding the animal fats that lean cuts of meat still have. Another protein source that has proven abilities in controlling your weight is fresh fish. Please remember that canned tuna or processed fish such as breaded fish filets are not going to help you lose the weight. Fresh fish should include tilapia, salmon, or farm raised freshwater trout, if you must have tuna, then only fresh tuna filets that can be baked or broiled will do. Again, instead of adding fat to the fish, try the lemon and cracked peppercorn for added flavor.

Low fat diets – Going with the same theory of low carb diets, it is obviously vital to lower the amount of fats you eat, BUT , there are certain types of fats that our bodies actually need. We need monounsaturated, omega, etc . With low fat diets, you restrict ALL fats.

Author is an online researcher on natural weight loss. Nutritionist. Click read more on how to lose belly fat, how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks.

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