Remember When Cycling Used to Be Fun?

Remember When Cycling Used to Be Fun?

Everything has gotten so complicated in today’s world that we often lose sight of the simple pleasures that we once treasured as children. When I was younger, I didn’t spend the majority of my day sitting in front of a television or playing video games. I came home from school and after a brief wave to my mother I was headed out the door again to get some fresh air and sunshine. I would get together with my friends and we would play, when it came time for dinner, there would be fresh healthy meals to enjoy. The funny thing is, not a single one of us was overweight.

Fast track to twenty years later… over 60% of my friends are now battling weight problems (and several depression). They try dieting, not by eating healthy foods, but eating strange pre-packaged and prepared foods that wouldn’t have been recognizable as sustenance twenty years ago. They drag themselves to the gym every day to run in place while staring at a television screen. And some, even resort to pills or surgery. Why is it that no one has bothered to look at the habits that we had as thin healthy children, and incorporated them into your lives now?

What if instead of trying to lose weight and get healthy the “adult" way, we try to do it like kids? What if instead of torturing ourselves at the gym three days a week where we hate what we are doing, we did something fun? Enter… bike riding. You remember the feel of the wind against your face, the exhilaration you felt every time you jumped on that bike and flew around the neighborhood. The pride you took in the new basket you got for the front of your bike or the little streamers that were tied to the handlebars. It was so much fun to gather up a group of friends and explore, why don’t we do that anymore?

So today, I challenge you. I challenge you to act like a child. When you come home from work, don’t change into your sweats and eat your dinner in front on the television. Instead, change into your biking gear, gather up your friends or family and head outside. Explore the neighborhood, have some fun, (streamers are no longer required). And when you are done, eat a real meal. It will make you thinner, healthier, happier and a lot more fun!

Sydney Garrison is an avid cyclist and sports enthusiast. She is also a partner in an online bike carrier store.

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