Reduce Calories – Lose Weight Now

Reduce Calories – Lose Weight Now

Many people looking to lose weight over look the simple equation that is reduce calories, lose weight . It really is as simple as that, but so many of us are zoned in to the celebrity world or the ‘I want it now mentality’ that we forget the obvious, fool proof, mother nature way to lose weight.

In fact it is the ONLY way to lose weight. All the fancy diets you see are based on this simple equation.

Here’s a simple way to look at it.

Why are we overweight in the first place?
Our body needs a certain amount of calories per day to function. We get them from food and our body burns it for energy. If we eat too many calories and our body doesn’t need it, there is gas left in the tank. So we store it as fat on the outsides of our body.

Example: I need 1500 calories per day. I eat 2000. Everyday there are 500 calories spare that I don’t need. My body stores them as a spare tyre around my waist.

So how does the diet equation work?
A calorie controlled diet simply limits the amount of calories you take on board each and every day. If you need 1500 calories then the diet will limit you to say 1000. Your body still needs that missing 500 that you haven’t eaten so it looks to its stores. Hey presto your body begins to burn some of that extra fat on your hips that you have stored for emergencies and you will lose body fat.

Follow a simple diet plan that provides a deficiency in your calorie intake and you will begin to shed those pounds.

There is no need for any strange food, pills, drinks or abdominal machines. Just one simple equation. Consume less calories than your body requires and it will burn the excess fat you have already to get what it needs for energy.

So reduce your calories – lose weight Then enjoy your life as you begin to lose pounds, get fitter and fell more confident about yourself.

Throw out all of those Holywood and celebrity diets. They are so extreme that most people will never stick to them for a long enough period of time to lose significant weight.

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