Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight

cant lose weight

Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight

How many new weight loss “breakthroughs" do we have to endure before people get a clue?

Have we not learned our lesson with this problem yet?

Every other month there is a new magic formula or piece of exercise equipment that is going to make the weight just fall right off without any hard work or lifestyle changes and you can do it in only 3 minutes a day.

And people are still falling for them!

Folks, the world’s problems are not going to be solved with non-stick cooking spray or lights that turn off when we clap. When it comes to our health, there are no easy solutions.

Good health is not found in vitamin shakes or liposuction.

The reason you’re still fat is because you’re looking for a solution that doesn’t require you to change the lifestyle choices that make people fat!

You can’t continue to eat processed foods, drink a two-liter of soda every day, and sit on the couch all night watching TV, and expect to pop a pill and get thin.

You understand this by now, right?

No, you don’t, or you wouldn’t still be fat.

Some medications do indeed cause people to gain weight so in some instances it just can’t be helped, but that excuse is more of an exception than a rule.

I pass a very famous fast food restaurant on my way home from work every day and it’s always (and I mean always) packed with obese people looking to eat as much as they can as cheaply as they can.

And you would think that water was just for bathing these days. Does anyone even drink it anymore? I suppose after the coffee, soda, fruit juice, and beer people just aren’t thirsty.

You know what else fat people have to do to lose weight? Exercise, and not just a nice slow bike ride around the block. Rigorous exercise! You can’t be fit without it. It is a genetic necessity.

Exercise hurts, yes I know. I would much rather sit on my rear and eat popcorn too, but if you aren’t challenging your body it’s a BIG reason you aren’t reaching your goals.

There aren’t many obese people who are exercising every day and eating plates full of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables.

The media and commercials are not what are going to give you the solution. You already know what the solution is. Doing it is the only obstacle between you and the body you want.

Humans are Stoopid publishes articles about a variety of controvertial topics, speaking out in ways most people wish they could. Categories include women, buzz (news), beliefs, Facebook, and health. Come and visit our Funny Blog for more articles like this one.

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