Points to Remember When Trying to Lose Weight

trying to lose weight

Points to Remember When Trying to Lose Weight

Get to know your foods. By this I mean understanding what effect each substance has on your body and the benefits.

For instance Green vegetables such as kale, chard, collard greens, bok choy, broccoli, asparagus, green beans, etc … are packed with vitamins A and C, iron, calcium. They are very filling, high in fibre and low in calories. They can be eaten cooked or raw but a happy medium between the two can be found from stir frying them in a non-stick pan, but it is absolutely fine to eat them raw as well so go ahead and toss them into your salad and get all of their nutritional benefits.

In terms of weight loss, greens have a further advantage in that they maintain a healthy digestive transit. This is all good news for your metabolism and makes greens one of the main fat fighters out there.

Of course you are expected to not just eat greens when looking to lose weight. Dairy and whole grains play a vital part in your metabolism and nutritional needs.

The recommended daily intake for dairy is around three servings a day and whole grains is around a similar level. A lot of people find it difficult to include these foodstuffs for lunch or dinner, so it is easier to include these items in breakfast. Therefore choose whole grains such as whole wheat bread for toast, all bran cereals or oatmeal if possible. In addition , include a serving of dairy such as low-fat milk or low-fat yogurt, which is rich in protein, calcium and potassium. Basically, try including at least three food groups in your breakfast this will prevent you getting the hunger pangs that in turn lead to unhealthy snacking.

We are all individuals and as such we have different circadian rhythms otherwise known as a body clock. Some of us are morning people others don’t feel like we can face the world till we have been up for a couple of hours and have plied ourselves with half a dozen coffees! In short we all have different needs and expectations

You should therefore pick a time to exercise that is at your best time of day. If you’re a morning person, then the best time for you to do your workout is probably going to be in the morning. If you’re a night person, then try to plan your workout in the evening.

It is worth bearing in mind our body rhythms can be affected by various things such as environmental and seasonal changes so be prepared to adapt should the need arise.

Learning to control and maintain your stress levels is one of the best ways you can prevent yourself increasing in weight. There are many reasons for this but the main one is that when stressed we often take short cut measures to remedy it. For many people this results in the phenomenon of comfort eating.

Ask yourself where and when you are most likely to feel stressed. Do you feel tense at work, at home, or during social commitments? For many, the stress of certain situations is remedied by turning to food or drink. After all, having something to drink or eat takes your mind off why you’re feeling stressed. The problem is that it also adds calories to your diet and extra inches on your waistline.

Stress is part and parcel of everyday life. What we must learn is how we cope with it. Through maintaining self awareness in all situations you will ask yourself the right questions even at times of stress. Plan ahead for stress and reap the benefits of responsible engagement with it.

You should consider starting a diary to record your day to day engagement with your weight loss plan.

An essential component of sticking with any weight loss program is the feeling that progress and success are occurring on a day to day basis. A diary gives you a record of achievement. From it you can track the small changes that are happening to your body and see how they all add up. They can also provide a record of the odd bad day you may have and therefore also highlight areas of concern and improvement.

There is lots of fun to be had with a diary. You can use it to set goals and weekly targets or to muse on different exercise strategies and diet information. Use it to plan ahead for rewards as well. To give you that extra bit of light at the end of the tunnel. Remember that we are people not robots. Unless we get the odd treat or reward every now and again it’s highly unlikely that you will stick to your weight loss program.

Andrew has been helping people around the world combat weight loss and fitness problems. His newly launched website offers a FREE report on the best kept weightloss secrets that most people will never know. To get hold of this report go now to http://ift.tt/1IeCMyv

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