Operation Bikini

Operation Bikini

Week 1: Preparations for positive changes

It sounds simple, but it´s true – a mess can result in fat. People who store too many things in their home often tend to have weight problems. It could be that an excess of both fat and material possessions gives us a feeling of self-protection. According to the renowned feng shui authority Karen Kingston, excess weight often has something to do with emotional blockage. Just as you might not be able to release or realize feelings, and hold on to old memorabilia, your body slows down the metabolism and presses the “collect" button. Thus, this first week starts with a phase of decluttering your overcrowded home. Release yourself and get rid of unnecessary things. Your personal week of dumping and detox looks like this:


Feelings and facts seldom fit together. Start to write your diary and weigh yourself – for this to work you need honest control. A complete description makes the four week programme easier. By doing this, you can see the reasons for any small backward steps and needn’t become discouraged. Only those who don´t want to be successful rely on keeping only a mental record – thus always being able to create excuses for failure.


Start your first makeover week with fat-burner soup days, for example, cabbage soup with pesto, colourful vegetable soup or tomato and radish soup. Prepare a big pot of it – you´re allowed to eat as much of this as you want!

Drink one glass of buttermilk, kefir or protein shake every day. To turn the nutritive protein into physical protein, your body must apply energy. And where does it get this energy from? Right, from the fat deposits. In addition, drink at least three litres of still mineral water and three cups of green tea every day.

Ban sugar and artificial sweeteners, nicotine, alcohol, white flour, everything fried and baked, visible fats and all kinds of sweets, from your diet.


Spoil yourself with a complete body-peeling, thus freeing your body of dead skin particles. This is the perfect foundation for an even summer tan.


Start with your basic cardio programme. Take exercise every day for between 40 and 60 minutes at a moderate speed. The path is the goal – you should sweat, but not get exhausted! Ideal sports are slow jogging, walking, in-line skating or cycling.

In this first week your body is already adapting to the new rhythm. The morning routine of stepping on the scales and seeing your reflection in the mirror are intense motivators.

Week 2 – Now it´s time for changes


Stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself what you find beautiful about yourself. You will be surprised by the positive changes provoked by this exercise. It motivates you to take more exercise and choose healthy nutrition, instead of constantly criticizing oneself.


The basic things in life are very easy and – like nutrition – they don’t need to be overcomplicated.

This is what you need in the second week:

• Three meals a day

• Start every meal with proteins

• A break of five hours between every meal

• The last meal eaten before 9 p.m.

• Drink at least two litres of water per day

The meals should consist of ingredients with a low glycemic index; this means that all foodstuffs should contain as little sugar and corn starch as possible. Low glycemic index foods are invaluable because they help keep the blood-sugar level constant and guard against unhealthy snack attacks. Such food keeps you fit, in good humour, powerful and healthy. The pancreas releases less insulin. The fatburning hormone glucagon can set to work on breaking down the the fat molecules around the waist and hips.

A healthy example: Breakfast: 200g natural yoghurt, 1 type of fruit,

Lunch: 125g poultry, 130g vegetables, Dinner: 135g fish, 140g vegetables.


A slightly tanned body always looks slimmer and more attractive – we simply feel better.

Cheating is allowed. Thanks to self-tanning lotion you can enjoy this summer feeling before the beach season starts.

The peeling in the first week has prepared your skin perfectly. Now the application can begin. Rub your hands, elbows, knees and feet with an organic cream, to prevent these tougher areas of the skin from absorbing too much lotion and becoming tanned more intensely than the rest. For the perfect tan, visit a beautician for a professional tanning treatment using the latest airbrush technique.


Shift the emphasis towards your problem zones in the second week. Shape and stretch these parts and you’ll sculpt your body shape effectively. It’s not just the muscles that influence your body’s appearance that benefit: the whole musculature is improved – creating both internal and externally visible improvements.

Perfect accessories for these sculpting exercises are a mat, exercise tubes, a medicine ball, dumb-bells and a flexi-bar. Half an hour of exercise four times a week is perfect.

But don´t forget your cardio training, which should also be included in the second week on at least three days.

Try to include some short sprints while jogging or walking this week.

out for the big “fat pots" like cream dressing with the pasta, soft cheese, biscuits and crackers with the wine.

Week 3 – Vitalising and a new zest for life


Reward yourself – you´re almost there and you deserve it! Enjoy a pleasant walk, and look for your new perfect bikini or swimsuit. How about a more revealing, fitted style this year? Or a different colour? Will you find the right one? Definitely!

Treat yourself to a fabulous summer fragrance. Ingredients such as coconut, lime or passion fruit will conjure up that holiday feeling.


This week cheating is allowed. But not three times a day – just twice in the week. Weight loss can sometimes be slow, because the body tries to maintain its weight at a certain level. The “cheating days" are scheduled at the start and end of this third week. For example, you´re allowed to eat wholemeal noodles, wholemeal bread, even a piece of cocoa-rich chocolate, and to drink one glass of wine. However, watch out for the big “fat pots" like cream dressing with the pasta, soft cheese, biscuits and crackers with the wine.


Taut skin on the arms, legs and bottom is a must for the bikini body shape. As well as your body sculpting exercises, special active creams can help to reduce cellulite. The latest products have a targeted effect thanks to new ingredients. Caffeine, for example, is rightly renowned as a very good anti-cellulite weapon, because it activates the local metabolism. But the cream should be at least two per cent caffeine. After applying the cream, rub over the affected part of the body with an ice cube, to close the pores and seal in the active components. The skin immediately becomes tighter and smoother. For additional improvement, book a special skin tightening treatment with your beautician, using products with active ingredients combined with a purification package.


After the compulsory programme of the first two weeks it´s now time for the freestyle!

Let´s go with daily fine tuning of the small muscles. Light boxing gloves and small bar-bells (which can also be carried outdoors for walking) are the perfect exercise tools. They help in working out, shaping and tightening the shoulder and arm musculature. Beautiful shoulders and arms are the protagonists of every summer dress!

Try a fitness boxing lesson – it’ll improve your beach volleyball later!

Congratulations! You´ve made it, and now go into your final week.

The way your feel, your reflection in the mirror, and the compliments of those around you will prove you’re on the right track.

Week 4 – The stabilization phase begins


Yes, you can! From dream to reality. “Whoever concentrates on his strong points, can initially neglect his weak points."


In this week you should internalize that only a permanent change of nutrition can provide long-term success.

For the future, try to include 70 per cent natural foods in your diet (e.g. wholemeal bread without preservatives, fresh fruit and vegetables, fish and meat). By doing this, the other 30 per cent of “production line" food (all these tempting, attractively-packaged things!) won’t really cause harm.


The fine tuning – the following tricks give your bikini outline the ultimate polish:

Perfect the eyelashes: to avoid having your mascara run (and panda eyes), have your eyelashes tinted. For an alternative with wow effect, try eyelash extensions (lasts approximately 60 days).

Wax to the max! Avoid the pimples from shaving, and lose that unwanted hair with warm wax depilation (lasts from 3 to 6 weeks).

The day before you hit the beach with your amazing new body, relax with a pedicure and manicure. How about a dramatic new nail varnish colour for the summer?


Sexy body! Move your body! Show your body!

Reveal that smooth skin, move with confidence and show that you feel good inside your new body. Hold your head high and your shoulders back, revealing the phenomenal new you. Maintain that posture!

Put on summer sandals with heels – it´s not forbidden to become a little bit taller.

Practice makes perfect and soon your moves will be graceful and sexy. And for a little extra help, book a course of salsa lessons. Salsa dancing loosens the hips – guaranteed to make your moves irresistibly feminine. Bring on the summer!

Dr. Helen Cummins is the Editor of abcMallorca Magazine a high quality guide to mallorca printed in three languages including informative Articles about Mallorca, up to date Events Guide and a Business Directory.

You can visit the abcMallorca website to read the original article about Operation Bikini or related articles about health&wellness in Mallorca. 

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