Oolong Tea for Losing Weight

Oolong Tea for Losing Weight

Oolong tea has gained much media attention these days as a diet miracle. While evidence shows that this particular tea has many health benefits, the jury is still out on its use as a weight loss supplement. First, all teas come from the same plant and thus contain the same nutrients. Tea is good for our health mainly because it contains polyphenols (flavonoids). This is an antioxidant that is proven to remove dirt from our body cells and slow down the aging process. Tea also naturally contains caffeine, which is known to help with weight loss. Unfortunately, caffeine is also known to speed up the heart rate and is associated with nervousness.

The variation in benefits between teas is caused by the different ways in which they are produced. Some teas are picked early in spring while others are picked late in fall. But the real difference is in what happens after the tea leaves are picked. Many are allowed to ferment which kills the potency of the nutrients in the teas. Oolong tea is kept from fermenting.

Research has proven that this type of tea is beneficial for weight loss. One Chinese study showed proven results that women who drank tea regularly were able to lose more weight faster than those women who did not drink tea. A study in the United States involved overweight males. The ones who drank the tea lost more weight and body fat than those who did not. Their metabolism also increased, thus allowing them to maintain their weight loss. A Japanese study compared oolong tea with powdered green tea. Those drinking the oolong increased their metabolism rates higher and longer than the green tea drinkers.

To get the most benefits, tea should be brewed with hot but not boiling water. Boiling water will kill the valuable flavonoids. This kind of tea can be reused several times. The flavor improves with each brewing. Weight loss experts suggest that the tea should be drunk roughly 30 minutes to an hour before exercise for maximum benefit. Drinking tea in the afternoon will help reduce the urge for snacking.

Find out more about oolong tea at this excellent tea site.

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