Need to Lose Weight Before the Wedding

lose weight for wedding

Need to Lose Weight Before the Wedding

It was three months before my wedding and the plans were still in the works. Between the caterer, the cake, the dress, the invitee list and the seating plan combined with a full time job my wife’s stress was through the roof. We come from, shall we say, heavy set families and both of us could stand to lose weight. But with all the stress of wedding planning we began to eat. With some research I found that stressful eating is pretty common but I think we took it to the next level, I was pretty much eating almost double what I would have normally eaten in a day. Over the course of a few weeks we had both gained around 10-15 pounds. The scary part was that other than feeling tired neither of us really noticed until my wife went to try on the dress after the alterations had been made. The dress no longer fit! Needless to say there was some crying and some long talks but the conclusion that we came to was that we need to lose weight before the wedding and get rid of the bad eating habits that we had been learning our entire lives. So the two of sat down at our computers and did some research. Here are 5 Tips that we began to follow on a daily basis that helped us not only lose weight before our wedding but also keep it off.

Weight Loss Tip #1: Eat three to five regular meals every single day. Your metabolism is like a furnace and if you don’t stoke that furnace on a regular basis it is not going to run at full intensity. If you eat three to five small meals throughout the day you will be feeding your metabolic furnace and burning fat all day with no gaps.

Weight Loss Tip #2: Drink the recommended intake of water. Good clean water is paramount for driving that metabolic engine. It works like this, your kidneys need water to function, without water they don’t function at full capacity. Now your liver is instrumental for metabolic function however if your kidneys aren’t working 100% then the liver has to step in and do some of the work for them. As I said before if you metabolism isn’t running at 100% you’ll be hard pressed to lose any weight.

Weight Loss Tip #3: Set A Goal. I can’t stress how important this step was for us. We decided that we wanted to lose all the weight that we had gained before the wedding. Our goal was to lose it by two weeks before the wedding so that my wife could get the alterations done to her dress in time. This goal helped us to no end and every time we thought we were going to stray from our new weight loss plan we looked at our goal (which we had posted on the fridge) and got right back on track.

Weight Loss Tip #4: Monitor what you eat. Do the research and find out what food is good for you and how much you should be eating. Canada food guide is perfect for this, there are also a bunch of products that will walk you through this step by step. Keep a daily journal of what you’re eating and how much. This will be instrumental to losing weight.

Weight Loss Tip #5: Don’t quit. To quote a good friend of mine “quitting achieves nothing except proof that you’re a failure" (unless we’re talking about smoking but I’ll save that for another article. ) Stick to your guns do whatever is necessary to keep on keeping on. You are capable of losing weight, you are capable of achieving your goals and only you have the power to help yourself.

I’m going to tell you about a diet guide that I used that helped me a great deal. You don’t have to use this one but believe me it helps and there a plenty of plans out there the key is finding one that works for you. I used a plan called Strip That Fat. Not only did it help us achieve our goals but we exceeded them by the wedding and my wife even had to have her dress taken in a few inches to accommodate. The diet generator was astronomically beneficial, I couldn’t have asked for a better plan. I’ll even give you a tip from them for free, tomorrow morning when you wake up record how many calories you eat throughout the day. Don’t change your regular eating habits at all today is the last day that you’ll way weigh what you weigh so don’t go cheating the system. Once you have that recorded (mine was 2600 and my wife’s was 2300) subtract 500 (mine was now 2100 and my wife’s 1800) for the next 7 days eat no more than the lower amount. I guarantee you that you will weigh 2 pounds less than you did on the first day. This is one of the first steps they tell you to take with Strip That Fat and believe me when I say you will love the results.


from Eight.iy
Best Diet Plan 4 Weight LOSS