Natural Remedies For An Underactive Thyroid

Natural Remedies For An Underactive Thyroid
One of the most obvious side effects of an underactive thyroid is weight gain. If you have been putting on weight which is hard to lose, you may be suffering from hypothyroidism. An underactive thyroid can make you feel sleepy, sluggish and tired. Low thyroid levels may also cause moodiness, depression, intolerance to cold, memory lapses, thinning hair and constipation. Taking an all-natural thyroid supplement can be beneficial even for those with a slightly sluggish thyroid and can safely be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments.

Low thyroid conditions are epidemic today, especially among women. Quite often clinical tests fail to detect hypothyroidism, even in severe cases. More women than men suffer from an underactive thyroid. Most thyroid problems occur within the gland itself and often don’t reveal themselves until a broader pattern of hormonal imbalance develops. That’s why thyroid issues, menopause and weight gain often appear together.

The most common treatment for an underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism is prescription thyroid hormone medication. These type of medications are intended to replace the T4 hormone, which your body naturally produces. Not everyone responds well to prescription treatments. Many physicians point to the lack of T3 in such medicines as the cause for their failure to relieve symptoms in a large number of persons with hypothyroidism.

Because of this, a growing number of individuals within the medical community now support the use of natural or alternative therapies for hypothyroidism support. Here is a list of natural therapies for an underactive thyroid.

Yoga Treatments can give a very effective boost to an underactive thyroid. These exercises are known as ‘pranayam’ which are simple breathing techniques to stimulate the thyroid gland and they can safely be practiced by anyone. Combine other exercises with yoga. Start with simple short walks and increase the intensity as your body gets used to this new regime. As your metabolism is slow, results will likewise be slow, but perseverance is the key.

Your Diet can also be tweaked to boost hypothyroidism naturally. Increase your intake of carrots, spinach, and oily fish such as salmon, olive oil, avocados, almonds and sunflower seeds. Avoid simple carbohydrates including white bread, baked goods and canned fruit juices. Eating complex foods such as brown rice and wholegrain bread, which are harder for the body to break down, is important.

Drink plenty of water as this actually increases the metabolism. Keep away from coffee and other high caffeinated drinks and replace with water. If necessary try spring water which is lightly flavored with a hint of natural fruit.

Iodine is a great supplement and the lack of it can be the main cause of any thyroid related disorder. All the thyroid hormones which are essential for a properly functioning metabolism are derivatives of the mineral iodine. Use cooking salt which has iodine in it. Seaweed such as kelp is a good natural source of iodine too. Iodine requires the presence of Vitamin E for proper assimilation.

Other Vitamins such as Vitamins A and C and the B complex vitamins are required for the body to manufacture thyroid hormones. They should be used as dietary supplements, especially when an underactive thyroid is suspected. Look for a natural thyroid-supporting formula which includes these all-natural ingredients, and together with the changes outlined above, shake off that underactive thyroid and start to live normally again.

Justice Rain is a freelance correspondent specializing on a variety of subjects including thyroid supplements and healthy products such as natural supplements.

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