Make Your Body Lose Weight by Retraining It

body wraps to lose weight

Make Your Body Lose Weight by Retraining It

Many people know they have been overweight at some point and this is when the calories start being restricted. Although they may lose the weight to start usually it will be all gained back plus some. The weight lost consists of water and muscle mass and very little fat. But when they go off the diet, all of the weight that is put back on is fat. Now your body is in worse shape than it was to start. Why does our body have such a hard time letting go of fat?

In the region of our brain called the hypothalamus there is a sort of control center that adjusts the fat we have on our bodies. This can be compared to a thermostat. The control center has a point that is set much like setting the temperature on a thermostat. When one goes on a diet by restricting the calorie intake the control center does whatever it takes to keep the setting it is on. The ways the body does this is by making you feel worn out so you will rest and conserve calories, slowing down the metabolism and keeping you feeling constantly hungry so the calories that have been lost can be regained. On the other hand, it works when you eat too much and take in too many calories as well. The metabolism is increased then to get rid of the extra calories and make you feel full rather than wanting to eat so you will not consume more calories.

With this preservation system, the body can help if you eat too much or take in less calories than normal, the weight will basically stay the same. Since the body is set up to keep the level of fat and weight the same the loss or gain of a lot of weight is not a desired function. This causes a person to eat enough to maintain their weight and the metabolic rate will automatically reset itself to the calorie intake. When you try to lose weight and keep it off, the body sets up a resistance to these actions so that emergency storage of fat is not lost.

What can you do to change the setting so you can lose the weight you need to lose and keep it off? To get to a healthy point, there are three things here that you will need to do:

Exercising is the only way you can reduce the point at which your body is set for the fat it is storing. The type of exercise best known to do this is a blend of weight-bearing exercise and aerobics. Aerobics consist of running, deep breathing exercise, walking and bicycling. By carrying oxygen to the blood, these exercises allow for better breathing and staying power. Using weight-bearing entails using any type of exercise that will allow for resistance. This builds muscle and increases metabolism which is what you want to do.

Finding out how much you need to exercise lower the fat set point will be different among different people. Some people do well on 30 minutes per day while other require 60. The exercise program you use should be about 5 or 6 days a week and you should try to exercise for 60 minutes at a time. Keep track of the progress you ar making and do not become obsessed with losing it all right now. When your body adjusts the weight will come down.

Another thing that is extremely important is what you eat and when you eat. The one thing you do not want to do is to skip meals. If you start doing this, your metabolism will slow down as well. Eat a wholesome diet of basic foods that are not processed. There are way too many people who eat loads of sugar and flour and do not remember to eat the right amounts of protein and fat. The excess insulin is then released and the stored blood sugar in the fat cells is released.

For the best results carbohydrates should be eaten within two hours of exercising – before and after. The right amount of fat and protein will keep your blood sugar at the right level and keep your body from releasing excess insulin which will in the long run cause type ll diabetes. Making sure you have the right amount of water and fiber will help as well. The amount of fiber (24 g) a day will allow excess fat and waste to be taken out of the body every day.

The next thing is to do is add a multi-nutrient vitamin which is broad spectrum. Omega 3 DHA is also preferred. Supplements with enteric coatings are the best because this keeps nutrients which are sensitive from destruction from enzymes and acid. Do not use cheap products. They are quite necessary now that food is being stripped of nutrients that are important to the body.

The only way you will succeed is if you stick with the changes you make for a long term period. The thermostat that regulates fat will be reset and the pounds will come off. Continue this and the weight will come off. Abandoning the plan will cause your thermostat to reset and you will gain the weight back. Enjoy the new you and all the changes you have made in lifestyle.

Dan Clay is a renowned Sydney boot camp, instructor & real world fat loss expert. For more information on his Sydney boot camps visit Sydney boot camp

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