Losing Weight With Pure Hoodia Gordonii

Losing Weight With Pure Hoodia Gordonii

Deep in the Kalahari desert in Africa, grows a succulent plant that looks much like a cactus, called the Hoodia Gordonii. The local bushmen of the San tribe have been eating this plant for thousands of years, for the sole purpose of suppressing their appetite. They have used it during times when food and water were short in supply, and while going on hunting trips in the depth of the desert.

And it is this unique quality of the Hoodia Gordonii plant that today helps many people around the world lose weight, rather easily compared to orthodox diets, and more importantly, without suffering from any side effects.

Scientists have discovered a molecule in the core of the plant that affects the brain in the same manner Glucose does when we eat. There is a part in the human brain called hypothalamus, responsible for controlling the feeling of hunger. When we eat, the Glucose levels in our blood stream rise, and trigger the hypothalamus into promoting a feeling of fullness. The unique molecule found in the core of the Hoodia Gordonii, called P-57, imitates the effect Glucose has on the hypothalamus, promoting a feeling of fullness without eating, and even lasts for many hours due to the high potency of the P-57 molecule.

Almost all big television networks took an immediate notice of Hoodia, and two of them even dedicated documentaries to it. Tom Mangold of the BBC, and CBS’s 60 Minutes Leslie Stahl, both travelled to the African deserts, were them, as well as some of their crews tried the Hoodia Gordonii first hand. They all reported a loss of desire to eat or drink for an entire day.

Once Hoodia’s appetite suppressing mechanism was discovered, and word about it quickly spread around the world, many Hoodia based products hit the market: Pure Hoodia pills, Hoodia tea, Hoodia patches and Hoodia lip gloss to name just a few. Unfortunately, out of all the different Hoodia products available on the market today, experts believe only 100% Pure Hoodia pills can really suppress one’s appetite and help lose weight. Products such as Hoodia tea or Hoodia patches, just don’t contain enough of the active ingredient, they say. More so, not all Pure Hoodia pills contain real Hoodia extract, or not enough of it at least. An easy way to avoid counterfeit products is to stay clear of cheap products, not to mention free ones, which are likely to be a scam.

Buy what counts as cheap, you may ask? Due to the limited supply, yet great demand for Pure Hoodia worldwide, prices have gone up and you probably won’t find any 100% authentic Pure Hoodia for much less than $ 50 (Bear in mind that this is the price for a month worth of pills, and if you order a larger quantity the price per month is likely to go down).

If you stick to this price range, and make sure the product’s quality and origin are backed by independent lab testing and that the manufacturer has a CITES certificate (permit to exports Hoodia out of Africa) you are bound to end up with quality Pure Hoodia pills that will help you lose weight more easily than ever before.

David Goldstein is a diet expert and an advisor to the Pure Hoodia website.

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