Losing Weight With Colon Cleansing – Is it Possible?

Losing Weight With Colon Cleansing – Is it Possible?

It seems that wherever you turn you hear about the latest and greatest colon cleansing product and how it will help you achieve rapid weight loss. Is this possible? Is it safe? Here’s a look at these answers as well as others in regards to using a colon cleaner to lose weight.

What Is A Colon Cleanser?

These products are designed to cleanse and detoxify your body of toxins and other impurities that have accumulated over the years. Ridding your body of these toxins will in essence… make it run better and help you lose weight quickly.

It is not uncommon to lose 5-10 pounds during the process and over a 7-day period. Naturally, without a change in your diet habits, the weight will return quickly.

Why Use a Colon Cleanser For Weight Loss?

Most people will use one of these cleansers for the health benefits they provide. Getting rid of the build-up of toxins and impurities in your body is a good thing. Others will use a cleanse to rapidly shed some weight for a special event or party where they want to look thinner.

This is fine if you are only looking for fast, temporary results and nothing permanent. The problem is that many people don’t understand that and get frustrated when the weight immediately returns after a few weeks.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the detoxification process is not all that pleasant. In many cases you will be fasting and only drinking liquids. You should also be prepared to spend a lot of time in the bathroom eliminating the excess waste.

Overall, using a colon cleanser can be beneficial for your health. There is no denying that. But using these products for weight loss is not a great idea for any long-term results. Perhaps for a weekend event it could be nice to look 10 pounds lighter, but don’t expect permanent results from any of these colon cleaning products.

Next, go to this website at Fat Loss 4 Idiots where you will find information and tips on how to begin losing weight today… and keep it off. http://ift.tt/1j1N5vC

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