Losing Weight After The Holiday

Losing Weight After The Holiday

So , how do you keep fit and healthy with all the yummy food you’ve partaken and with less time for exercising? Keeping our body slim and fit is not that easy. We need time, effort and the courage to really exercise and we cannot deny the fact that sometimes all our energy are drained from working hard like a horse to get that promotion.

Here are quick ways on how to lose those calories to avoid pumping fat into your body.

1 . Run – running is inexpensive and you do not need any equipment in order to perform this activity. And you can burn so many calories if you do this regularly. You will not only lose weight when you run regularly but you will also tone your muscles as well as strengthen your cardiovascular. Grab your iPod and a pair of soft, comfy running shoes if you want to start running. And burn up those excess calories you’ve gained during the holidays.

2 . Eat well – do not eat more than what your body needs. It is a must that you eat food because your body does need energy but over eating is another issue. You should only intake food that your body needs not less than or more. You can also start losing pounds if you watch what type of food you eat. Avoid salty, sugary and fatty food. You can indulge in fruits as well as green leafy vegetables as these are good for the body. However , starving yourself just to lose weight is absolutely discouraged as this can be harmful to one’s health. If you want to lose a few pounds simply watch the amount of calories you take as well as the type of food you eat.

3. Drink plenty of water – this is an old way of losing weight. If you’ve taken your meals and you still feel the urge to eat then suppress that thought instead get a pitcher of water and drink it every time you feel like you are hungry. This will not only make you feel like you are already full but it will also cleanse your system. Avoid drinking carbonated water, soda, café, powdered juice or artificial fruit juice as these contain too much sugar. Tea is fine just as long as it is sugar-free and you do not exceed taking 2 cups in a day. Check the label of the drink you are taking to know how many calories are there as well as to be aware of its nutritional values.

Join Indianapolis running and start making new friends. Don’t you know that running the Indianapolis 5k will also be very beneficial for your health? it strengthens your muscles as well as mentally refresh you. What are you waiting for? join now!

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