Losing Stomach Fat But Keeping Your Sanity!

Losing Stomach Fat But Keeping Your Sanity!

If you have a big, flabby belly, it is understandable that you would want to lose it. Carrying surplus fat around your waist is unattractive and can damage your health. Unfortunately, you might find it more difficult than you expect to get rid of it.

Why losing stomach fat is a sensible goal

Belly fat is very obvious unless you always wear very loose-fitting clothing and most people do not find it appealing to look at. Your self-esteem can be badly affected when you know that you are not looking your best. This can lead to feelings of depression and comfort-eating and so a vicious cycle is created. Being fat makes you unhappy, being unhappy makes you eat more, eating more makes you fatter. It is no wonder that some people can end up dangerously obese.

Research into obesity has shown that carrying excessive fat around your waist is harmful to your health. You may get away with it for a number of years, but eventually you will be more susceptible than slimmer people to a whole range of serious medical conditions. Heart disease, hypertension, strokes, cancer and diabetes are well-known risks.

Obesity also creates a lot of wear and tear on your body. You will probably have painful feet and joints which will decrease your mobility. This makes it harder for you to take part in healthy exercise activities. That exercise would burn fat while you were exercising, and speed up your fat-burning metabolism while you were resting. Reduced exercise means more fat, more fat means less exercise – another dangerous vicious cycle.

Why concentrating on losing stomach fat could drive you crazy

Given how important having a nice slim waist is, it is understandable why people get fixated on achieving one. The problem is that fat comes off in a genetically programmed order and that often isn’t waist first! If you are spending every day staring in the mirror and wondering why your tummy doesn’t look much slimmer, you might be missing the pounds that have come off your thighs or arms.

I read a great analogy for the process of fat loss – Imagine your body is a swimming pool and the water is your surplus fat. You want to lose that fat so that means emptying the pool. Can you empty the deep end before you empty the shallow end? Of course you can’t, but you know that if you drain away that water eventually it will all be gone. It’s the same for body fat. You have to work away at it until you have got rid of enough of it.

Try and get some help

You could probably do with some advice and support to help you sort out that rogue tummy of yours. You might be able to join a slimming club or a local gym. You would probably benefit from the services of a personal trainer but that can be very expensive.

At the very least, get some good advice and take heed of it – advice is useless without focussed action. Don’t believe the advertisements promising you extremely rapid weight loss, and don’t believe it when you are told that weight loss can be achieved effortlessly. You need to combine healthy eating and drinking with healthy exercise, and you need to make these things part of a new lifestyle. Your old one let you down, so you need to find a better one. Do it. You’ll feel better, you’ll look better, and you’ll stand a better chance of living long enough and in good enough health to enjoy playing with your grandchildren.

You can read an honest account of my efforts to lose 46 pounds of ugly fat on my weight loss blog. I have my successes and I have my failures but I am getting there steadily and I tell you how. Remember – what one fat person can achieve, so can another! Why not you?

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