Losing Fat – When You Just Can’t Get Rid of Trouble Spots

Losing Fat – When You Just Can’t Get Rid of Trouble Spots

Losing fat in specific areas can be a concern for anyone losing weight. Genetics play a factor in our body shape sometimes leaving us with areas on our body that will retain fat more so than others. Places like the stomach, the back of the arms, maybe the thighs; it could be any number of places. Some diets claim they are aimed at targeting weight loss in these specific areas and if they are a healthy diet they will certainly help but this is only partly true. You do not need a specific diet in order to lose weight in specific areas. They key to doing this lies in weight loss, cardio exercise, and a strength training regimen.

Find a comprehensive diet plan geared towards weight loss that you feel you can commit to. Successful weight loss will lead to losing fat in areas all over the body especially the upper body where fat is more metabolically active. In order to make sure you tighten the areas you are concerned about you will need to do cardio to make sure you are losing the fat first. Cardio exercise can be incorporated into everyday life. Try walking with varied intensity across different terrains. Running is also great and anyone can do it. Start off running just 10 minutes a day and slowly build yourself up. You can also enroll in cardio classes near you.

Once you have lost some weight and are into a cardio routine you will reach a point when you are ready to start thinking about strength training to build muscle. Remember any fat you have will cover any muscle you have so it is important to lose as much of the fat as you can before you begin strength training.

Strength training will not make you bulky it will just tone you. I suggest you find a routine and work the muscles all over your body and not just in one place and then you can be sure it includes exercises for those areas to make sure they are addressed. When you pick a routine you should work the muscles to failure. If you start a routine and lift weight but do not actually work the muscle group you will not have the desired effect. If you are unsure about what exercises to perform most diet plans come with a workout routine or there are a lot of great stand alone routines you can follow.

Meghan Ryan is author of this article and maintains a website on online dieting plans Lose weight, get rid of trouble spots, and keep it off. Most people will lose weight but at the end of thirty days will gain it right back. Stop dieting failures. http://ift.tt/1FuDEKw

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