Lose Weight Permanently – Fastest Ways to Lose Weight

Lose Weight Permanently – Fastest Ways to Lose Weight

If you have tried to lose weight permanently and still need to make more progress, hopefully this article will help you find ways to lose weight permanently as well as to find some of the fastest ways to lose weight.

The more persistent you are in looking for additional ideas, the more likely you are to overcome setbacks. As you know, Weight control requires daily discipline, like many aspects of personal discipline. It helps to have a variety of ideas and strategies so you have something specific each day to help maintain reasonable discipline.

Here is a variety of ideas that you can take advantage of, on any particular day, to help you lose weight permanently. Hopefully you will also have a little fun.

25 fastest ways to lose weight and lose weight permanently:

1 . Set your alarm to allow yourself an extra 40 minutes sleep in the morning.

2 . For one meal today, leave a fourth of your food on your plate.

3. Take a slow stroll after dinner this evening, and enjoy the fresh air.

4. For a snack between meals, have a banana instead of a cookie.

5. Take time to write a hand written letter to a friend.

6. Eat out tonight, at a favorite restaurant that has healthy menu items.

7. Eat a piece of fruit and a single bowl of cereal for breakfast this morning.

8. In place of a helping of chips, have a rice cake snack in a flavor you like.

9. Have dessert first at dinner this evening, and see what happens.

10. Have a vegetable, a carbohydrate and a portion of meat for dinner tonight.

11. Before breakfast this morning, drink two glasses of water.

12. Ride your bike for an hour today, for fun.

13. Go to a brand new movie at the movie theatre this afternoon, with a friend.

14. Warm yourself with a cup of your favorite tea.

15. Have grapes instead of a candy bar, as a snack today.

16. Eat something raw today!

17. Take a 30 minute outdoor walk.

18. Have a snack this evening, after having a light dinner.

19. Having something whole grain today.

20. Have an apple between lunch and dinner.

21. Surprise yourself with a half hour massage today.

22. Include steamed vegetables with your dinner this evening.

23. Go to bed a little bit early tonight.

24. Add fifteen minutes to your exercise time today.

25. When you first feel hungry, drink two glasses of water and wait 30 minutes to eat.

Try this checklist for a few days and then, if you like, make a new list that includes at least 5 items that are really fun for you. When you mix in some fun, you have more success!

Obviously there are a lot of “fastest ways to lose weight" that can help you lose weight permanently, when you set your mind to thinkin’ and allow yourself a little fun.

Mark Chandler

Mark Chandler is a weight loss blogger and enthusiast. Learn more about how to successfully manage your weight by getting more good information at this link: http://ift.tt/1FR4Pjs

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