Lose Weight Effectively – Acai Or Other Weight Loss Supplements Alone Are Not Enough

supplements to lose weight

Lose Weight Effectively – Acai Or Other Weight Loss Supplements Alone Are Not Enough

Everywhere you turn there is a new weight loss supplement popping up promising you the magic solution to weight loss. The honest truth though is that relying on diet pills or supplements will not be enough. However , in this article you will learn how to turn your body into a fat burning machine and then using acai to get maximum results.

The reason why is the supplement of choice is simply because its the most nutritious weight loss supplement on the market containing a huge list of health benefits. Most other weight loss supplements are packed with stimulants and other toxins that cause serious side effects and long term health problems that have been widely documented.

Step One: Simple Diet and Exercise

You will need to go on a sensible and robust diet that is not too strict in calorie reduction as that will be very counterproductive in the long run. A 40/40/20 diet which consists of 40% carbohydrates, 40% protein, and 20% healthy fats is my favorite.

You will have to exercise at least 4 days a week to get the desired results and half of those days you will do the following interval routine training.

Lift weights for 40 minutes or more with short 1 minute cardio sprints every 8 to ten minutes in between your weight lifting sets. Do three sets of a certain muscle group then do a cardio sprint either on the treadmill, elliptical, stairmaster or any other cardio machine of your choice. This style of interval training will blast your metabolism and has been scientifically proven to burn 2 to 3 times more calories than other conventional exercise routines. it will literally transform you body into a fat burning machine instead of just relying on some pill or supplement to do all the work.

Step Two: Take One Acai Berry Pill A Day

Now, when acai is added to the equation it will put the fat burning into overdrive. This is where you will really notice the benefits of acai, not only will it cleanse your body and help you lose fat, but it will give you the energy to not feel sluggish as you transform yourself. Acai will help benefit you in many ways but as far as weight loss goes, when it is combined with these techniques, it champions all other supplements.

If you would like to look at some acai companies that offer a potent product and have great free trial offers Click Here> > > free trial offers.

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